Moto-Sekai Ichii Sub-chara Ikusei Nikki ~Hi-Player, Isekai wo Kouryaku-chu!~ - Vol. 9 Ch. 56

Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2023
The issue is that you are expecting the main character to be the best at EVERYTHING.
Where did I say that? You're going to have to explain how you interpret "wanting a character to grow" to mean "expecting him to already be the best at EVERYTHING."
Mar 24, 2024
So she was the first, nice
Well this make sence since there are stats, it should be normal to be harder than in real life
Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2023
You don't become first in the world that focused solely on one game and would become an hero after something happened to it without being a turbo autist. (Also Yukari just wrung him out so he's still recovering.)

In the novel version he does it properly and buys condoms beforehand.
Is he actually romantically interested in these girls? His narration seemed more like he just wanted to outlast her in a fight.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 26, 2018
Is he actually romantically interested in these girls? His narration seemed more like he just wanted to outlast her in a fight.
He's very goal oriented, cut him some slack lol. Also Yukari was basically a challenge to what passes as his masculine pride.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 15, 2023
Where did I say that? You're going to have to explain how you interpret "wanting a character to grow" to mean "expecting him to already be the best at EVERYTHING."
Wanting him to grow how, exactly? If he tried to manage this situation, he would fail. One does not simply "grow" and overcome any situation. It would be like a lawyer becoming the best astronaut, geologist, oceanographer, and cheese producer out of the blue.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2023
One does not simply "grow" and overcome any situation. It would be like a lawyer becoming the best astronaut, geologist, oceanographer, and cheese producer out of the blue.
This is not relevant to what I said. Try again. This time, actually answer what I asked.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 27, 2018
The artist should have drawn Yukari being on top from Second's POV, not lying down on the bed and being submissive like that. SMH... :pout:
It honestly bothered me that she was described as "a ferocious beast" and all the panels were her just lying down not doing anything.:questionblob:
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2023
Interesting take. I guess you only hear what you want to hear... it would be a waste of time to continue any further.
That's rich coming from someone who can't even answer a simple question, thus shutting down the discussion all by yourself. Or do you expect me to argue a point that isn't mine?
Dex-chan lover
Oct 15, 2023
That's rich coming from someone who can't even answer a simple question, thus shutting down the discussion all by yourself. Or do you expect me to argue a point that isn't mine?
Im shutting down a pointless argument that you intend to keep reigniting for no reason. This is adding nothing beneficial to the comment section, or would you rather continue arguing about it? It would be best to just agree to disagree, no?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2023
Im shutting down a pointless argument that you intend to keep reigniting for no reason.
It's always so funny when people who claim they're quitting an argument just can't keep from posting over and over again while unsuccessfully trying to shift the blame to the other person. Is it so hard to follow the standards you impose on others? Well, you lost the argument when you failed to respond anyway.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 15, 2023
It's always so funny when people who claim they're quitting an argument just can't keep from posting over and over again while unsuccessfully trying to shift the blame to the other person. Is it so hard to follow the standards you impose on others? Well, you lost the argument when you failed to respond anyway.
Are you going through something atm? Why are you so aggressive in an online argument on a mangas chapter, of all places? This is a legitimate question. I am not mad at all, just curious.

Well if you REALLY want to continue this, then fine.

"This is not relevant to what I said. Try again. This time, actually answer what I asked."
You have been saying you want him to grow, but through what means? He isnt stated to be good at politics.

"That's rich coming from someone who can't even answer a simple question, thus shutting down the discussion all by yourself. Or do you expect me to argue a point that isn't mine?"
If everything I have stated isnt your position... then what is?

"It's always so funny when people who claim they're quitting an argument just can't keep from posting over and over again while unsuccessfully trying to shift the blame to the other person. Is it so hard to follow the standards you impose on others? Well, you lost the argument when you failed to respond anyway."
I blamed you for what exactly? Standards I impose how? You can go into these stories expecting a full detailed LOTR story, but mangas are typically for children to understand and follow... its like yugioh and the whole "childrens card game" joke.

"'wanting a character to grow' to mean 'expecting him to already be the best at EVERYTHING.'"
Is what you keep saying. I said how can he just magically be great at politics, when he has zero experience in it? Thats not growing, that is pulling a miracle out of thin air. How would someone who was a rank one player suddenly become a master of politics? If he was a politicians son or something relating to kingdoms affairs, than I could agree it would be him growing as a person. However, he has not been shown (in any way, shape, or form) to have had an ability to have done this.

"Good stories are all about making characters do what they don't want, though." Is very subjective imo. Some stories do well with this, but mangas do poorly when they try to focus on doing too much, with too little.

"But these mangas quite often have flat character arcs where they aren't properly challenged in ways that show why they already have the right virtues. It's more about having powers and doing shit with those powers"
He has been setting up many things to prevent failure so far. He rescued the assassin girl in order to obtain a blacksmith. He helped set a path for the archer girl to find her way forward. He took a very long time getting the wolf girl. He has used the spirit kings help on many occasions. The whole idea of this manga is about using his prior methods to climb the ranks, especially when few in that world have managed to climb so high. He seems to be wanting to help the one prince succeed the kingdom atm, which was why the advisor was summoned (the best option available to him).

"while also gathering a harem for some reason."
If you dont like harem, why read them/not blacklist? The amount of people ive seen complain about harem/romance/ or even slice of life when they are in the tags...

Another thing is, this is a manga and not a big novel of sorts. One cannot go into reading these stories expecting them to have every single aspect covered. If they covered a whole kingdoms political situation (and how he succeeded in winning by himself) down to the last bit, then the flow of the manga would die and... well... it just doesnt make sense for the main character to do well in this situation. Thats why he got an aide to help with that whole situation (he has been setting himself up for the best possible outcome, which is what he appears to be good at doing).
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2023
Are you going through something atm? Why are you so aggressive in an online argument on a mangas chapter, of all places? This is a legitimate question. I am not mad at all, just curious.
I think you're projecting. Which you do a lot.

You have been saying you want him to grow, but through what means? He isnt stated to be good at politics.
Through a better written story. Adding lots of events that don't challenge the characters, which it doesn't if you just add a plot-solving character, makes for a series of events rather than a story. The solution is to rewrite it from a more base level.

I blamed you for what exactly? Standards I impose how?
Blaming me for continuing a pointless argument. You're saying I'm "reigniting" it, but you're at least as responsible yourself for keeping the flame going. I wasn't the one who claimed to want it to stop; that was you. But you kept going, which is against what you said yourself.

I said how can he just magically be great at politics, when he has zero experience in it?
Yes, you said that. I didn't. That's entirely made up by you, and 90% of your argument is based on that. That's what I was asking you about. How did you think I wanted him to be instantly great at politics when I never said anything of the sort?

He seems to be wanting to help the one prince succeed the kingdom atm, which was why the advisor was summoned (the best option available to him).
And this time it was pulled a little too far. Before he struggled to get those people, and help them get better at their tasks. And things like her creating enchanted weapons that came as a surprise to him because it's such a pain to do are sort of similar, but that's minor and isn't actually necessary for the plot, unless it's brought up later on as a unique way of solving a problem.

If you dont like harem, why read them/not blacklist? The amount of people ive seen complain about harem/romance/ or even slice of life when they are in the tags...
The amount of time I've seen you claim I've said something I didn't... Sure, harem isn't exactly my favourite part of a manga, but that comment was not about that.

Another thing is, this is a manga and not a big novel of sorts. One cannot go into reading these stories expecting them to have every single aspect covered.
No, but one can expect a base level of story quality. And yet again, this is you strawmanning. You take an argument and pull it to its absolute extreme, and use that as the argument you argue again. Are you incapable of responding to arguments as written without exaggerating them?

If they covered a whole kingdoms political situation (and how he succeeded in winning by himself) down to the last bit, then the flow of the manga would die and...
Which is why it should've been rewritten. If you have plots where the only way to do them without bogging down the story is to just instantly solve them then you have a bad plot.

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