Motto mo Kirawareteiru Saikyou no Akuyaku ni Tensei - Vol. 3 Ch. 13

Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
While poison technically doesn't kill that fast out of the known poisons, there are plenty that have effects that will have effects as instant as this scene and some of these leave the victim in a state that might as well be counted dead... And that's in small doses.
Rewording your statement doesn't make it any more valid. A poison works by TRAVELING through the system and interrupting the natural state of the body. This is not instant because it CANNOT be instant, things take time to move throughout the body. At best you'll see effects at the point of injection or wherever it entered, but you will not under any circumstance see immediate reactions anywhere else.

With an animal of that size and the fact that it's an otherworld, it's completely plausible to have instant death by poison even without bringing magic and superpowers into the mix.
Firstly, animals don't just blast you with huge amounts of poison. No venomous creature does this because they try to conserve their toxins as much as possible, it's their main weapon for survival.

Secondly, even if we were to assume that it was a large amount for the size of a human, that toxin will still take time. Unless that mess is caustic or corrosive, it's still going to take time to travel through the body. Just because it's a fantasy creature doesn't mean it's divorced from logic. This is why, in virtually every fantasy story, even the deadliest poisons take time or have a VISIBLE effect on the body.

Thirdly, you're making up a headcanon for a creature we have 0 information on. There's no statement or implication of poison, so I won't entertain the thought. These creatures have fins too, but they're clearly not designed to swim. The author had an oversight, that's all it is.
Dex-chan lover
May 15, 2019
Thirdly, you're making up a headcanon for a creature we have 0 information on. There's no statement or implication of poison, so I won't entertain the thought. These creatures have fins too, but they're clearly not designed to swim. The author had an oversight, that's all it is.
3. Yes. But chimeras having poison is a long standing monster tradition!
It's like seeing a dragon saying you wont believe it has a breath attack until the author mentions it!

1. About poison amounts, actually common bees do just that, they blast ALL THEY GOT at their target, though that's because it's their final act, but hey, it's the monsters final act too so, heh.

2. The time it takes for poison to take effects is mainly the time it takes to travel, there's no real "poison takes this long to do anything" rule that you can just bring out and throw around, that's not a thing. Also it could be corrosive, who knows, it might have gone straight in a major artery who knows.

Also you keep saying instant instant, from the time of the bite there's about 50-70 words being said or thought, far from instant.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
3. Yes. But chimeras having poison is a long standing monster tradition!
It's like seeing a dragon saying you wont believe it has a breath attack until the author mentions it!
??? Literally not every dragon breaths fire. Some breath poison, others lightning, some can only roar, that is how it's always been. So yes, I'd be very valid in thinking that way. Seeing a cat creature and screaming "CHIMERA" when, newsflash it doesn't even look like a Chimera, then saying a character got instagibbed by "POISON!" when there is no indication anywhere is not the same thing. You are literally making up your own headcanon because you're unable to just accept a small oversight.

1. About poison amounts, actually common bees do just that, they blast ALL THEY GOT at their target, though that's because it's their final act, but hey, it's the monsters final act too so, heh.

Stinging is not their final act. It's their final act against YOU. Bees don't die from stinging things, they die from Stinging creatures with thick skin. Like humans. Our skin is what stops them from pulling out and forces them pour out everything. That's not their natural tactic. Even then that's only specific bees, not all of them.

2. The time it takes for poison to take effects is mainly the time it takes to travel, there's no real "poison takes this long to do anything" rule that you can just bring out and throw around, that's not a thing.
It's called logic and basic writing skills. Authors don't just make instant poisons without implying or saying it's a poison, for a reason. There ARE rules in writing, it is a learned skill that is honed by crafting logical stories with proper execution. Show me one series, just one, where there is a poison creature that bites someone, poisons them, but the audience is never told or implied that it was poisonous anywhere in the story - even after the death of a character. I outright dare you.

Also it could be corrosive, who knows, it might have gone straight in a major artery
??? Corrosive poisons melt flesh. That's what CORROSIVE means. It comes from the word "Corrode" meaning "To destroy something slowly by chemical reaction"

who knows.
Everyone knows. We ALL know. Several people in this comment section know and have pointed it how non-fatal that bite is. You're the only one screaming "POISON" on a big cat and then being argumentative when told otherwise. You are arguing over nothing.

Also you keep saying instant instant, from the time of the bite there's about 50-70 words being said or thought, far from instant.
The average person speaks 110 words per minute in conversation. What you're saying, whether you are aware of it or not, is that it was less than a minute before this dude died. Meanwhile where he was bit was unlikely anywhere significant since, as was pointed out earlier, there's not much going on in the lower right abdomen. Even if there was some miracle artery that got pierced, it would take more than a few seconds to bleed out. People bitten by real lions don't bleed out in seconds.
Active member
Apr 1, 2018
This. Lower-right abdomen does not have any organ that cause instant death.

Lower left is worse, cause you have the liver. But even then, it just seemed like a bite. He was not cut off in two. Death ina minute or two, sure, instant death no.

If the author wanted the instant death shock, it should have been a bite to the throat.

Yes I know it's nitpicking, but come on, just tad of anatomical realism....
..but lower-right is just where the liver is, right? to my knowledge there also can be shock due to this organ but considering this is a game and someother comment saying it would make sense to be HP based damage, considering it hit a vital organ i would assume it was critical so yeah, pretty much ded imo
Dex-chan lover
May 26, 2019
..but lower-right is just where the liver is, right? to my knowledge there also can be shock due to this organ but considering this is a game and someother comment saying it would make sense to be HP based damage, considering it hit a vital organ i would assume it was critical so yeah, pretty much ded imo
Mistake on my part, I'm not native english speaker. I meant the spleen, not the liver.

The liver is mostly protected by the ribcage, and as you said it's on the right side. But the bite seems lower than that-
The spleen is lower, on the left side, and can cause deadly blood loss when ruptured... but not instant.
Anyway, this is nitpicking, I still don't think a bite there would be instantly fatal.

You do make an interesting point about the game-like HP situation however ,could be?
Active member
Apr 25, 2020
Where's the 3rd volume cover? I want to see the makeshift 3rd volume cover just like the 2nd volume have
Dex-chan lover
Apr 12, 2024
This comment section was more entertaining than the actual chapter tbh, especially since the author decided to give the pure magic caster a rage moment where she... used a sword. Though to be fair, with how she couldn't save a person from a single bite to a non-vital area and how Lobelia's artifact triggered despite her efforts to heal him after Reinhard shish-kabobbed him, she definitely isn't cut out to be a healer either.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 5, 2024
Generally this is what makes an RPG character stronger. They have to go through their crisis event. Look at Persona games. The characters have to deal with their own personal demons in order to gain strength. They have to face loss and defeat in order to get stronger. It's just that she's having her crisis event in a different way now.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 11, 2019
I read a spoiler about
the girl eventually getting banged by MC and she has kids with him while the hero gets a true NTR end, by showing a picture of MC's family. Then everyone in his party leaves him because of his stupidity and even the sword acknowledges MC???
Dex-chan lover
Apr 5, 2024
I read a spoiler about
the girl eventually getting banged by MC and she has kids with him while the hero gets a true NTR end, by showing a picture of MC's family. Then everyone in his party leaves him because of his stupidity and even the sword acknowledges MC???

Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2019
These are clearly some kind of chimera-ish monsters, them having poison in those fangs would not surprise anyone right? And yes poison can kill that fast.
Sarin is possibly the fastest acting poison, and requires a minimum of roughly a minute. All poisons require the body to spread the poison to its target, and then time for the chemical reaction to occur. Neither of these are lightning fast processes.

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