So, even of they like each other, isn't it (maybe) because nakano's not ready to tell him that she can actually read his mind? I mean, even if she doesn't tell him at first, If they want to seriously date and all the conversation would come up eventually.
It would mean two things: that she knew about all his -theirs- lewd thoughts, plus the normal ones and everything. Mana's managing well so far, but it would be kinda hard or uncomfortable to date someone like that, I guess.
And second point, is that her understanding of Toda's feelings were from a "secret cheat" that without it she wouldn't have guessed at all and maybe would've been like any girl that thinks "toda's nice but so boring/seems that doesn't want to be with me/etc" when we already know that that's not actually the case.
But then again she likes it or not those powers are already a part of her in many ways, plus when she saw "tears" from the lost soccer match that was a delusion from her. Basically she does understand him on her own way. even if the mind reading dissapeared she could spend time with him and get to know what he's thinking like mana and greenboy -sorry- do, even if it's not 100% accurate. Like anyone who spends time with someone does. Which it seems it's not gonna be anytime soon haha
/Sorry I wrote too much and it seemed a waste to erase it