Movies Are Real

Dex-chan lover
Aug 17, 2018
It's regrettable that I decided to read this now. Would have been an anjoyable long read if not for that. Can't wait for this manhwa to reach 100 chapters.
Active member
Dec 20, 2020
😅 "Movies are Real" 😅

Just wanted to have a good laugh at the title of a fictional story.
Jun 16, 2020
Did he just agree to work for a company for 3 years just for 44k dollars? Bruh
That's the same as USA's minimum wage

but that aside, this manhwa is interesting as fckkkk. At the beginning, I thought
it was just going to be him dying over and over like Sean Bean, but the author evolved the story pretty well with the painter tv show
Mar 22, 2024
I need more of this story, it's so disappointing to see that it's on hiatus.
Such a refreshing and interesting plot, even if the drawings aren't top tier.
Jun 9, 2024
its supposed to have come back half way through last year but the author is still sick seemingly. kakao is just ghosting everyone with rental tickets for the series as if they didnt say the hiatus would end a year ago, so nobody even knows if the manhwa has been cancelled or not and whether the author is ok. its a shame because i think i would honestly say this is my favourite manhwa of all time
Aggregator gang
Jan 26, 2018
its supposed to have come back half way through last year but the author is still sick seemingly. kakao is just ghosting everyone with rental tickets for the series as if they didnt say the hiatus would end a year ago, so nobody even knows if the manhwa has been cancelled or not and whether the author is ok. its a shame because i think i would honestly say this is my favourite manhwa of all time
It's back, officially restarted.

Chapter 36 & 37 are out already
May 14, 2019
Shame it really dropped in quality
A real shame...
At least it continued.
I hope it won't degrade into a generic OP actor story. It was one of the most unique and engaging webtoons I've read; now only 3 chapters and the vibe is already gone.
Jun 4, 2024
How did they butcher season 2 so badly? I think the writing for season 2 is significantly worse than before the hiatus. I don't know if they changed authors or something but it is not up to par with what I came to expect from the first season

They were building The mines survival movie up so much, it was an interesting concept to see how the main character would react and what he would go through. There was a plot point where he was struggling to determine which one's the real him, the actor or the character. Then there's another plot point where he doesn't want to do any variety shows or more advertising.

Season 2 starts all of that is gone. The mines survival movie is completely skipped over, we get no plot for what happened or how the mc dealt with it. Everyone is celebrating another successful shoot that we didn't even see. He is now fine taking advertising deals and doing variety shows. His struggle of determining which is the real him is gone. There's been no character development shown between season 1 and season 2, yet he's suddenly a different person. It doesn't make sense.

The uniqueness of the art in season 1 is also gone, It looks a lot more generic and the characters don't seem as expressional.

It feels like these characters that were unique and had their own personalities were boiled down into these typical roles like jealous love rival or jealous actor.
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