Mugen no Gunkan Yamato

Dec 4, 2020
There is literally nothing wrong with nationalism
Aug 6, 2020
I mean it would be interesting if the Japanese had successfully beached the Yamato, making it unsinkable and later a potential museum, but ships those days only had so many AA guns.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 8, 2019
I keep expecting one of these series to have the future Japanese guy just tell the Japanese to not start a war with the US.
Dec 26, 2019
@mrpointy Adding insult to injury, most of the ships that were "sunk" in Pearl Harbor simply got pulled up from the water, repaired, then sent back to fight the Japanese. It's a harbor, not the middle of the ocean, ships sunk there arent really lost since the ships only sink a bit before they hit the bottom of the harbor. The Japanese would've done more damage if they blew up the fuel stockpile and the harbor facilities itself, not the ships haha
Fed-Kun's army
May 18, 2018
of all the ships you can cover you pick the one that absolutely shit the bed in the pacific war?😆

i guess it's time to read a manga about a kid who aids japan in the horrific evil subjugation of the peoples of east asia and america, and the suffering they unleashed on everyone including themselves. fun times for all 😋

can't wait for the comic about a spunky teenager in modern day germany to go back in time so he can aid hitler's massacre oh wait excuse me, germany's cause by telling the bismarck not to go out solo

unless this offers genuine commentary on the bizarre ultra-nationalism of early 20th century japan, this is probably trash that you shouldn't bother reading unless you yearn for the worst decade in human history.
Aug 22, 2020
Listen, even if the Japanese sunk ALL USA ships in 1942, the USA would just have a bigger navy than japan in 1948 or something. The Japanese never stood a chance. I don't think people understand but... the USA never fully mobilized during the second world war. What the USA showed was FAR from what the full might of the USA could achieve. I am talking an economy so strong, they could probably push out multiple carriers, dozens of cruisers, 30 destroyers, and a battleship EVERY MONTH. A fully mobilized USA could at that point in time if they truly wanted it, and at the costs of many lives, take over the world itself. Japan would be completely decimated if the war ever was brought to its soil. And pray for their souls if they tried to invade. The USA in the 1940s didn't need to call people to arms. People where already armed. And seeing how the Japanese were basically as evil towards everyone as the nazis were to polish jews, the American people would be fighting back, and at the end of the war (which the USA will have won) They would probably be so pissed at the Japanese, they would decimate the country. They could destroy ALL the culture, destroy even the language itself, and wipe any and all links to pre-war Japan.
Feb 27, 2020
Based Japan reclaiming its identity. Noice, eradicate those huwhite piggus nippon bonzai

@Sssr huh? They literally throw parties to welcome other countries nationalists where they all get together and help each other. In Europe anyway. Or were you talking about Trump tard tier nationalism?
Dec 12, 2018
@Cheezymufin I think it a interesting theory do you think like what if Jap win Midways and dominated Pacific for a little time. While US go back to rebuilt it fleet for counter attack, do you think the European front will change when US is more focus on pacific front and therefore lack the supply focus for British allied force there.
Active member
Apr 30, 2018

I'm pretty sure Japan knew that a long, drawn out fight would not go amazing for them. What they WERE hoping for, was to be able to stun the US, grab the resources (mainly oil) that the US was deliberately making it difficult for Japan to get, and then create a defensive posture so strong and painful to overcome that the US would decide that it just was not worth it to continue the conflict.

If the key historical naval engagements had gone Japan's way, it just might have gone that way. US had better Intel capabilities, production and technological capabilities, sure, but it would've needed loads of time, resources, and blood to achieve victory.
Jan 21, 2018
“Wakes up in 1941”
“Win the Pacific war”
My sides have entered orbit.

The conditions for defeat were set long before then. Its geographical situation condemned it to its meager industrial base and human capital. The ruling military ideology assassinated its political opposition into submission and any attempt to challenge their thinking carried that risk. The Japanese culture at the time had little, if any, respect for their enemies viewing them as lesser humans. One man whispering the future into Yamamoto’s ear in 1941 is going to do jack fucking shit to solve the bottom-up issues facing Imperial Japan.

This garbage is little more than the Japanese version of the “b-b-b-b-but if the German did this one thing they woulda stomped on the Allies!” bullshit that gets peddled in YouTube comments and pop history articles and exists to make revisionists and ultranationalists cream their pants and pay money to do so.
Oct 9, 2019
Alternative history with a fascist regime is a risky exercise 😅


You can check some work on productivity comparison between the USA and Japan such as which focuses on warships.
The difference is astonishing (it is so huge that is almost hard to grasp) , the USA was not called the "sleeping giant" for nothing !
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2018
@millenialboomer That's their politicians. All modern nationalist politicians aren't true nationalists the same way there is no truly Christian televangelist. They're just con men using nationalistic sentiment to propel themselves to power by sabotaging their countries' foreign relations and immigration policies. Of course they love each other. They're among friends and fellow con artists admiring each others' artistry, sharing tips and tricks to fuck up their countries a bit more. No. You go pick up a Nihon Dai-ichito member off the streets and put him in the same room with a Shin Chaeho member and wait for the ensuing hilarity.
Aug 28, 2020
I remember reading this a few years ago

As far as I remember the whole manga was just the ghost trying to avert the destruction of yamato and musashi(which he sucessfully did). While the premise is trying to get japan to win the pacific war, the author never really got into why it started in the first place or whether japan really deserve such victory. It's literally propaganda. The author even went as far as potraying the US soldiers(they aren't saints but they are still human being compared to IJA soldiers) as the agressor while potraying IJA as heroes just trying to protect their home.

In conclusion, japan nationalist propaganda. If you are into that kind of stuff then go ahead and jerk to it.

Though ngl the art is pretty good
Mar 1, 2020
Lookin' good.

Meanwhile americans still believe in war propaganda from 70 years ago and think that only they are allowed to celebrate they history.
Active member
Aug 12, 2019
cover looks cool as fuck but other than that seems to be mangaka jerking off nationalistic pride
Aug 23, 2019
If you're a thin-skinned SJW, nobody is forcing you to read this. Although, it should still be better than Korean Manhwas where they always portray Japanese as evil no matter the era, and GATE manga where everyone but Japan is evil, seeing this is alt history and not set in modern day.

Interesting premise and good art.

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