Mugen no Gunkan Yamato

Aggregator gang
Mar 17, 2020
imperial japan win therefore nazi germany also win therefore i like this manga
Mar 24, 2020
if I was the MC I'd just tell Yamamoto that they should kill Tojo and scrap half the IJN to get 10 Taihos.

a much simpler solution than trying to squeeze all of the performance out of an oversized floating hotel.
Jun 8, 2018
@420LoliPolice69 No, they both did bad shit, actually every country did bad shit during WW2.
But to stay focused on the germans they did plunder and raped, mostly on the eastearn front, but also other places. For exemple there was a big famine in Greece between 1941-1942 that killed around
300 000 because the occupying axis powers took everything with them, that being food, machinery from the factories and so on. And it wasnt only the SS, the Wehrmacht did that kind of stuff too. On the eastern front reprisals against partisans were usually just raid inside villages, basically you take the men, shoot em in the neck, then put women and children in a church or some barn, throw grenades in there then burn it.

Back on the manga, i didnt really like it personnaly, the story is meh,
Like how the fuck did the Yamato snuck up on some aircraft carrier equipped with radar, this is the dumbest shit i have ever seen. Plus after Pearl Harbor, Japan already lost the war, Yamamoto said it himself, Japan could enjoy 6 month of free reign on the pacific theater, after that if they didnt secured peace with the allies, it will be too late and they will have to fight a war of attrition that Japan was certain to lose.
if you want a good read on WW2 pacific war, i recommend reading Zipang or Peleliu: Guernica of Paradise.
Active member
Nov 24, 2020
@Peenemunde As I said, both were really fucked up. The eastern European front was a hell hole. But in my opinion, the Soviets were much worse than the Japanese and the Germans combined. They threw their own civilians at the Germans. Though not many remember what the Soviets did to the German civilians, they would rape, plunder, and kill off any who resisted. The Americans were not much better as they kind of copied what the Germans did. But anyway, the Japanese IMO did the most atrocious things, more specifically in China and Malaysia. But you could say the Chinese did worse to their own than the Japanese did to the Chinese, and it would most likely be correct. Just like how the Chinese killed around 1 million Chinese from the yellow river flood of 1938 to slow down the Japanese army.

Anyways, the Manga doesn't seem good so far, excluding the terrible translation. I have also already read both Zipang and Peleliu.
Feb 22, 2018
@420LoliPolice69 I think it's important to avoid doing these what-about-isms when it comes to countries involved in WW2. So yes, we can all agree that almost all countries did bad things during WW2 but saying that Soviet was worse than Germany and Japan combined is ludicrous. While it is hard to find reliable information from any countries actions published during the war, due to massive propaganda efforts from all sides, all reliable information from respected historians point to some countries being considerably worse during the war, and the Axis countries were without question the worst.

Saying the Soviet Union "threw their own civilians at the Germans" is a strange perspective to take considering you're somehow shifting the blame of the killings from the Germans, who actually killed those civilians. This is also ignoring the widely accepted fact that Germany forced civilians, including minors, into forced conscription towards the end of the war. Obviously, history is written by the victors, but the Axis powers objectively had more war criminals than any other nation in involves in the war efforts, Japan mostly got away due to their total surrender and compliance with American occupation post-war.
Counting the Holocaust, the invasion and occupation of Europe by the Germans and the occupation of Manchuria, South East Asia and the invasion of China by the Japanese accounts for well over half of all civilian deaths during the war, let alone the fact that all these crimes were justified internally with the concept of racial superiority. If you're gonna defend an Axis power, probably better to go with fascist Italy, at least in terms of less crimes against humanity.
Aug 23, 2019
Germany (Nazis) - Brutal war machine disregarding human life, industrializing genocide and doing everything to achieve their goals, like indiscriminately wiping out population in lands of nations they deemed "inferior" just so that they could claim it for themselves. They had concentration camps using people for forced labor, and also death camps where they straight up killed civilians of "inferior races" (including children). Holocaust, mass-murders, even using child soldiers and elderly when they got desperate on frontlines in 1945. They experimented on living humans in brutal manner.

Soviet Union (Communists) - Ruthless industrial powerhouse disregarding human life, committing ethnic cleansing and genocide but not because of racial supremacist doctrine (different from Germany), doing everything to achieve their goals, including purging its own citizens that dared go against the regime. They invaded Poland from East alongside Nazis in 1939, and committed mass-murders and massacres there. Holodomor in Ukraine, mass-rapes in Germany, ethnically cleansing entire Prussia and also existence of Gulags. They also experimented on living humans.

Japan (Imperialists) - Ruthless Empire doing Imperial things, but in 20th century, this time with Hojo pulling the strings. They committed mass-murder to terrorize civilians, indiscriminately bombed cities, enslaved people, with end goal of dominating other nations and growing their territory. Probably the most zealous major power during WW2, there are cases of soldiers killing their own families just to be able to become Kamikaze pilot and one of them continuing to "fight" the war for 29 years after 1945. They performed brutal human experimentations too.

Italy (Fascists) - A dictatorship seeking to dominate other nations and grow its territory. They often killed POWs and mistreated civilians, had concentration camps, committed mass-murders, indiscriminately bombed cities. They also stole food and other things from civilian population which resulted in starvation of hundreds of thousands, f.e. 300.000 in Greece alone. Not "as bad" as above three but only because Italy was very incompetent at everything they did, even failing to properly invade Balkans without German help, and embarrassing themselves in Ethiopia earlier.

Now about the two major Western Allied powers:

United Kingdom - They attacked a neutral country (Iran) alongside Soviets from North, attacked non-combatant ships, shot shipwreck survivors, tortured POWs, terror-bombed cities indiscriminately and looted a lot of places. Just like every other power, their troops committed rapes too.

United States - Indiscriminately bombing cities, terror-bombing, carpet bombing, nuclear bombing. They often shot surrendering soldiers, executed POWs, even massacred civilians on several occasions. Like the Brits, they didn't behave well either during naval combat. They bombed a neutral country "accidentally" a few times (Switzerland). Rape was common practice there too, as every country did it.

You can see that everyone did some bad shit in WW2, but you have to be blind to think US and UK were on the level as Axis powers and Communists in USSR. Everything bad UK and US did was also done by Axis powers and Soviets, besides nuking. On one hand, you have otherwise normal countries whose armies committed war crimes, while on the other hand you have a Nazis, Fascists, Medieval Empire in 20th with official murderous policies, not just their armies doing bad shit. As for the Soviets, while their leadership was definitely evil, most people living there were fighting for survival against Nazis, and many of them were forced into living in USSR with Red Army invading their countries two decades prior to WW2. So if you want to rank who was more "evil", on top would be Axis powers, followed by USSR, and then Western Allies.

Still though, there were good people on every side. A lot of people were victims of circumstance. Most people living today thinking they'd be heroes if they lived during WW2 are gravely mistaken. It doesn't take much to turn a normal human into a murderer or a criminal. Most of us would've been Nazis if we lived in WW2 era Germany. You have to read history from perspective of the villains, heroic people are and always were very rare.

Everything aside, this manga is still good, art is nice and it's a fun read. I don't care about author's intentions, as long as manga is fun I will keep reading and if you don't like it, nobody is forcing you to read it.
Aug 28, 2020
Yikes, you can see the alt-rights going out of their mother's basement everytime history related manga like this got translated.
Aug 22, 2020
@BagOfGlass True, but keep in mind that everytime that Japan fotified a island, and the USA attacked it. Japan took more casualities than the USA. These figures would be used to boost morale. And also, the USA didn't need all the islands. In our timeline, the USA couldn't choose between going south, liberating the resource areas of the indies and the philipenes, or to just hop some islands to get into bombing range.... so it did both. In our timeline, the USA didn't have to choose... now in this fictional timeline, the USA probably finds it is easier to just cut of islands, bomb them to shit with superior navy and airforce. then take them. Get in bombing range. and let the mainland of japan feel the might of the USA airforce. of course, this also means that japan would probably get nuked. But a now more confident Japan says "lol let them come" to which the soviets say: "DON'T MIND IF I DO KIDDO" and the soviets don't care about insignificant stuff like "Human lives" and japan knows that. so they will probably still surrender to the USA, knowing being invaded by the soviets is way worse.

I mean the nukes weren't the main reason for Japanese surrender, the threat of a Soviet invasion was way worse.
Aug 22, 2020
@ncviet The western front wouldn't change. The USA just had the resources to keep producing tanks and planes for the western fronts. but would just probably send slightly less in order to build more ships. and the further the war progressed, the more mobilized the USA would become, and the faster ships, tanks and planes would be send out. Basically, think of a 1946 USA that would be producing maybe 1,5 times as much as the USA would be producing in 1945.
Furthermore, fewer Allied troops fighting the germans would just mean more germans dying on the eastern front. Because that front was hopeless as well. and unless our MC in this timeline goes to the germans and italians and tels them a magic plan to kill stalin, invade the soviet union, not be incompetent in afrka, AND how to invade the british mainland... there is simply no way. also, the british where curbstomping the german and italian navys and if needed could send quite a task force to help in the pacific... I think they could send in 4 carriers, 3 battleships, multiple cruisers and maybe 50 ish destroyers? enough to keep the japanese at bay, defend some islands, and since our MC doesn't know what will happen, basically turn the war back in favour of the alies.

Also, I wonder if the MC would even be believed if he said stuff like: "Yeah so the americans will use their carriers to launch medium bombers to firebomb Tokyo" (Dollitle raid)
or "Yeah the americans are making a bomb that will split atoms and create a super big explosion that can wipe cities of maps"
Feb 27, 2020
@sssr you have a misconception about nationalists. Actual nationalist parties like Golden Dawn get thrown in jail after show trials because they are the only true threat to the current world order. Is that democratic, no, but its necessary to stop them precisely because they aren't conmen. You literally can't let them speak or they'll convert more people to their dangerous thinking. You have to suspend freedom and rights when faced with a threat like these guys precisely because they get along with each other. The best move is what we do in the United states where the FBI impersonates nationalists and frames them. Its sad but necessary in order to protect democracy.
Double-page supporter
Apr 7, 2018
I find the description belittling the horrors of war. Calling it a "game" I can't understand why any modern Japanese want to have any part of helping Japan win WWII. The whole era is a shit show.
It would be like me, an USA citizen, wanting to help conquer Mexico in the The Mexican–American War, or give them tips on how to better spread smallpox to the tribes. Like WTF is wrong with you?
May 31, 2020
The translation on this is utter garbage. It's like trying to decipher the scribbles of a mad man.

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