Mujina into the Deep - Vol. 2 Ch. 1.6

Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2018
Surprisingly bittersweet conclusion to that mini-arc. I didn't think that the guy would have such an inner conflict, but honestly it's pretty relatable. All relationships have some dark and light, some more dark than others, but resolving those realities takes work.

So far I'm quite enjoying the setting and the characters. I think so far, Asano has achieved a nice balance of light heartedness and grimness that hasn't quite reached the bleak vibes of his previous few series. It feels more pleasant to me than DDDDemon's Dedededestruction and Punpun though I did still enjoy those titles.

The action is still a touch hard to follow, but I think it is improving. If this were ever to get animated, I feel as though a good team could really bring this setting to life, of course I imagine a team with someone like Yuji Kaneko leading backgrounds and AD and Norio Matsumoto on the action scenes... one can dream.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 13, 2019
horny asano rules.

Thanks for the scanlation uwu

Bit surprising how dead this thread is given that this manga is by the Oyasumi Punpun Guy, but maybe I just wake up weirdly early for an Oyasumi Punpun Guy fan.
most of his post-punpun work has flown under the radar, especially for american audiences. dededede threads were often dead too. reiraku's story of a frustrated mangaka past his prime who no longer outsells the fresh new faces seems to be autobiographical in quite a few places.

it seems as though 'wow, cute bird' may have been his X factor for mainstream appeal. and i get it, most of his stories start glacially slow and you really need to trust the process to get to where the getting's good. punpun bucks that trend in a lot of ways, it's eye-catching and it's not subtle at all in the opening.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
It’s okay, so far.
Not as good as Punpun, Umine or Solanin, but way better than Dedede which I found too stupid (typical author getting self-indulgent syndrome).

Still, nothing comes close to Nijigahara Holograph. I don’t think even Asano could top that if he wanted to.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 3, 2020
I am trying really hard to figure out what the old lady was planning to accomplish by hopping onto the electro-BDSM motorcycle and going flying through the air on it.

Obvs it got her unceremoniously decapitated, but what was step two of that brilliant battle plan in her mind, anyway? Flip the switch and hope the sight of a balding old creeper woman getting a buncha amps to her unmentionables would weird her assassin out enough to just give up?
Oct 18, 2023
I think its pretty great. Comparing it to any of his previous is a given since its his own works but hes trying new stuff. I would kill for something like Punpun, Solanin, Nijigahara, Umibe and so on but I think its also cool hes writing this. Dedede was probably my least favorite of his works but this so far im feeling at least will be much better than Dedede.
It’s okay, so far.
Not as good as Punpun, Umine or Solanin, but way better than Dedede which I found too stupid (typical author getting self-indulgent syndrome).

Still, nothing comes close to Nijigahara Holograph. I don’t think even Asano could top that if he wanted to.
Active member
Feb 23, 2018
I am a wrestler? Wtf?

I've only read Dedede and this so far and I feel this manga is way inferior to Dedede. Dedede had its edgy moments, but there was a lot of heart in it and the story felt way more logical. This story just feels stupid and its trying way too hard to be edgy. Let's just make everyone gross and weird.
Jul 1, 2023
Wasn't expecting the eye laser
Felt too off and random to me too. This is a sci-fi turning to a supernatural manga lmao
I am a wrestler? Wtf?
Asano said in a live stream that he sometimes uses GPT Chat to help write plot ideas or dialog for the manga.
I really hope he stops doing this.
I am trying really hard to figure out what the old lady was planning to accomplish by hopping onto the electro-BDSM motorcycle and going flying through the air on it.
Probably smashing Ubume with the motorcycle, but it was a very stupid idea trying that to a Mujina.
It seems that the couple were not very strong and were relying on the Hideman Mujina from the previous chapter.
Jul 1, 2023
The pacing seems very off to me, the fights are going too fast. At least an entire chapter for this fight and Hideman, this fight took like 8 pages and the previous one with Hideman half a chapter. Also, Asano should tone down his dark humor a little bit.
(That scene of the old man naked being electrocuted on the motorcycle is going to give me nightmares)
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Dex-chan lover
Mar 23, 2023
That fight was so bizarre it had me fucking wheezing :kek:

A lot of people bitch about this manga but, what were they expecting?
It's like asking Tarantino to make an action movie and then bitch about it for not being 'normal' enough.
If like your action manga to be stock default stuff then go read battle shonens instead
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2023
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2023
The pacing seems very off to me, the fights are going too fast. At least an entire chapter for this fight and Hideman, this fight took like 8 pages and the previous one with Hideman half a chapter. Also, Asano should tone down his dark humor a little bit.
I agree, to some extent. The pacing and emotional beats feel very strange to me, like trying to dance in 9/17 time. The result isn't bad, necessarily, but it's hard to get a grip on. Like here, we're set up to expect a battle royale with the best Mujina in the biz. And we get a five-second skirmish with a ripped baby? Followed by the equally speedy assassination of two crazy old fossils? And that's it? The villain characters and their behavior are "wtf" strange, but not particularly funny. More just really fucking odd. Like Hiramoto Akira at half power.

And I'm not sure how we're supposed to take Mitsuharu's grief. Stockholm syndrome? Legitimate love & loss? Whatever the case, the post-assassination scene between him & Mimi felt very forced and unreal, almost surreal in its uncanny valley sentimentality. Which, again, isn't necessarily a bad thing. To its credit, this series is starting to remind me of HITS, which does a pretty great job of sustaining a similar kind of not-quite-comical comic eccentricity.

A lot of people bitch about this manga but, what were they expecting?
It's like asking Tarantino to make an action movie and then bitch about it for not being 'normal' enough.
Honestly, I think Tarantino's work is a hell of a lot more normal than Asano's. It's stylish and ambitious, plays clever games with genre, but aside from the use of violence, it never really goes too far "outside".

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