Overal Series comment so far:
Toni should probably take more vacation days and just be the mom to her daughters.
Miko absolutely needs more vacation days, and more honest hugs. She definitely didnt get enough time to be the princess' dad like she should be.
Luliam is adorable, but its obvious that the mask is a worn shell ready to tear itself apart and expose all the pain the princess really feels. There have definitely been days this girl has simply curled up on bed and cried.
Eldora needs to chill out, and a swift kick in the ass.
Daichi is perfect. Toni should abdicate with Daichi becoming queen.
Tamura feels too real.
the princesses are halfway between the height of Toni and Miko, Lulium has the same hair gradiant and eyes as Toni, and Miko's faceshape, while Eldora has Toni's Faceshape and Miko's Eyes and hair gradient. i get limitations of the medium but until we get color im assuming Miko is the princesses' dad.