Mushihime - Vol. 3 Ch. 24

Dex-chan lover
Apr 27, 2018
okay soooo... firstly kuzumi is hot. there I said it. even if his eyes are too big.

secondly, I am disappointed we didnt get to see a flash of freaky underwater arthropod sex.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
so the guy got brainwashed by the end, instead of getting injectes to turn into a weird bug boy too... so the last page was kikuko eating the boy or just some poor person?
also it went from an interesting horror story to a B horror movie so fast that I didn't notice.
Jan 18, 2018
I'm disappointed that the premise gradually spiraled down from interesting to asspull. The teacher showing up at the very end to kill people was the last straw. Not only was it obvious but it was painfully underdeveloped to be a plot twist. Guy only existed to paint the main girl in a good light. And somehow she left him alive for a sequel. On a smaller note, this manga was mistagged with ghosts, demons, supernatural, and... slice of life???
Sep 25, 2023
It was great until around chapter 14 or so - then the story seemed to go in a different direction with the doctor doing loads and loads of exposition and it went downhill fast. Even if the manga didn't get axed and it continued, I'm not hopeful it would have been good - mr doctor man would keep spouting lots of information I don't care much about instead of focusing on the two main characters I do. Shame, I like them both and I do kinda like the happy ending for them :) even if it felt out of nowhere (being an asspull).

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