Zyugoya has this tendency to give us truckloads of fluff and then when we are at our weakest point he grabs a log and beat us with dark history.
It's a fun rollercoaster method anyways.
there are two possibilities:
1) mom and/or helga are kidnapped or beaten
2) mom and/or helga are kidnapped but not dead
possible results:
1) Lorem beats up some bad guys - merii shows up and everyone is okay, abyssmama moves in near lorem
2) Lorem kills the fuck out of some bad guys and there is resulting collateral damage - results in increased security and lorem feeling like shit for ruining gospel's life
2.5) lorem manages to not kill the fuck out of dudes with some help, or gets the govt to help (possibly involving dad), but savage beatings ensue
scratch all that, i didn't notice she said 'it's that time already'