Musuko ga Kawaikute Shikataganai Mazoku no Hahaoya - Vol. 4 Ch. 91 - Flame of Extermination

Dex-chan lover
May 26, 2018
we learned this very early on, in like the first 20-30 chapters. the clothing thing, i mean.

If you ever remember/find the specific chapter in which this is revealed, please share with us.

More like I'll run out of raws at the end of volume 5, so I wouldn't be able to continue if I wanted to. As of right now, ch.119.2 (the 2nd bonus chapter of volume 5) is where I'm stopping.

I don't know if Entropia is dropping the series or going to continue their weekly releases or just wait until I'm done and pick up from where I leave off; that'd be a question to ask them.

The freedom I mentioned refers to being free to work the way I want to work and has no bearing on whether or not I scanlate the chapters that are available to me.

Well, this is a relief. You kept me on edge ever since you said that (paraphrasing) you're doing this only because you want to and will stop when you feel like it (implying "when I get bored of doing this").

Or I can drop the series right now so I don't have to deal with yours.

Please don't punish us who appreciate your work for the sins of others who don't.

@chibit: No difference in quality? I'd say there's a distinct difference in quality, since xxsaznpride's translation has significantly less typos per chapter and is generally less prone to coherency problems than Entropia's has been.

@Bakl346 & @Madcat6204: You two may want to also consider that the Entropia guys are not without their own flaws, from translation quality issues to being utter assholes simply because someone noticed they made mistakes in several of their releases for this manga in a row and decided to notify them of those mistakes every time via DM.
Aggregator gang
May 18, 2019
I think the sides of the "sniping" issue are talking past each other. The argument has diverged from TL accuracy and scanlation "rights", and become about public image and "scanlation group pride", which frankly are far less important. Doesn't excuse rudeness on either side, but what was to be expected when someone (an Entropia "fan(?)") goes at someone else's (new group) throat from the get-go? Could this have been solved more diplomatically? Perhaps, but that also depends on what the groups themselves might (or might not) have already discussed behind closed doors, if there was discussion had at all (and based on comments in previous chapters from the new group, I don't believe there was discussion). The first shot was fired by the readers, not the new group. Let that be clear.

There's failure of understanding here as well:
- Why the new releases were put up (answer: Entropia's TL was thought to be not up to par)
- Why it's okay to put up competing releases (answer: individuals may not agree with the practices of other groups and thus form their own group; competition should foster quality improvement)
- Why no group has exclusivity over a series (answer: difficult to enforce; illogical from a legality standpoint)
- Why the readers feel slighted (answer: attitude of the new group, ignited by comments of a few vocal people; belief that a group dropped the series because another group put up releases)

The "but what if the new group drops the series" argument doesn't hold up at all -- the same logic can be applied to existing groups. Real life happens, group structures change and maintaining a steady pace of releases (or releasing at all) can become unsustainable at any time for any reason. The circumstances under which Entropia dropped the series may not have been the best (if the reasons stated are to be believed), but I do not believe that all culpability falls solely on the new group. There's nothing written in stone stating that Entropia were set to continue this series for the next couple of years, let alone months, were no other competition to come along. That uncertainty lies in every group, regardless of how long they've been in the game. I can speak from experience on the fansubbing end: the only constant is change.

I haven't read through all of the comments since the new group began releasing (though I have gone through most of the pertinent ones), but from what I've seen, there's far more vitriol from the few vocal people that are angry about Entropia dropping than I've seen any comments from Entropia themselves (which is to say, none). If there's proof somewhere that Entropia dropped the series for the reasons stated previously, please provide that evidence. Again, I've yet to see word from the horse's mouth as to why, so to speak. All I have are stories from the supposed injured (Entropia fans) who appear to be making assumptions based on the accounts of one or two people without providing direct evidence, and statements from the new group -- which to their credit, did give credit to Entropia where it was due. Word from Entropia themselves is what's missing, and they should be the ones to deliver that themselves.

All said, I urge new and old readers of any series on this site to buck the norm. Don't put all your chips in with "the one group that's been doing my favorite series for ages". Look at things objectively. Ask for improvement, don't just give people full credit for mediocre work because they're the only game in town. Realize that you too have a say in the quality of what scanners (and subbers!) put out. If something stinks about a release and -- this is important -- you have evidence in your favor, bring it up. Help the folks doing the releases improve. If the group refuses help from their readers, then let that group flounder and fail.

@Madcat6204 Don't use quantifiers like "many" when anyone can see your side is in the minority. You are "few," relative to the majority of commenters approving. I would much rather not be included among your number.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 3, 2018

I may have been mistaken, but it might also be detailed more in another chapter
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2019
In other words, Merri is always naked under her clothes?
Active member
Nov 20, 2018
That is the MOST REDPILLED Tier List I’ve seen in a while holy fucking shit
All the media says is “Sniping, Scanlating, TL accuracy”
I just wanna read for gods sake!
Dex-chan lover
May 26, 2018
@JulesMFinWinnfield: I think you put it far better than I could've done even if I spent hours trying to do it. The only thing missing is what to do when giving honest feedback results in the group being utter jerks (whether it be from merely offering feedback or because it's "excessively frequent" and thus perceived as "nitpicky")... in which case, I say to not be intimidated and instead push back against such behavior, even if it risks the comic being dropped. Better a well-behaved scanlator than a pompous one with a hair-trigger temper.

Besides, plenty of groups out there are open to requests for taking up works, to the point of dedicating entire channels on their discord server for such suggestions. How about you worrywarts stop fretting and instead, if the worst-case scenario happens, find a group whose translations you generally find of good quality and suggest the abandoned comic to them?

@nobaka: Ah, that at least hints at her "clothes" being actually her feelers.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 8, 2018
@JulesMFinWinnfield you can read what Iota, on of the people previously working on this series, had to say in the main comment section, but that's not even what I want to address. Outside of group related stuff your fist point bring up that people should take what they can get because a group can drop a series at anytime but your last point brings up asking for better work as well. Don't you think that's a bit rough? I'm not saying people shouldn't want better but I personally don't think Entropia Scans was at a point for me at least to ask for more. I also didn't read a lot of people in the comments calling them out for better in base translation but people did speak up about accents and they responded in time so I say they were doing a pretty decent job even on a reader engagement level.

So If I think that that quality is fine, the next thing that I would want is consistency. Anything can end at anytime but Entropia Scans has had months upon months of consistency. So why in the world would I accept something else from someone I don't know even if it's slightly "better." They said they had the resources to go all the way through volume 5 but in your own words that doesn't mean anything. And unknown stop versus a definite one is pretty frustrating when the unknown had better prospects of going on for longer. So in short, it all aspects, in this situation, I respectably disagree.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
I'm totally stealing that ranking chart from the end of chapter.
Group Leader
Jan 20, 2018
should probably broaden the scope of F rank: people who profit off of scanlation 🤔
Aggregator gang
May 18, 2019
Another book (sorry):
> asking for better work is a bit rough
@HawkGoggles Maybe. I can see where people have the mindset of "Well, I'm not paying for it/supporting the group, so I don't have the right to ask for better X." Some groups feel that way when it comes to "freeloading readers" making suggestions (or demands, I see where that word gives off a connotation I didn't intend), and I understand that and can commisserate on some level. On the flip side, the issues I pointed out are still in play, and I feel there's a point where people shouldn't compromise on quality because "someone else was first" or "they have the resources", or "at least they are releasing".

When talking about time... no one should place deadlines on scanners/subbers but themselves. It's on them to attempt to hold each other accountable. Ultimately, "it's done when it's done" should prevail. Again, I'm speaking to quality, rather than quantity. Personally, I don't mind a wait, but that's in part due to other things in real life vying for my attention, and in part due to following something like 30 series.

Consistency, which I'm taking to mean the ability to keep releasing content... that's still a new angle for me. I don't know quite where I stand on that yet, but at this point I would likely do without if a decent-quality group reached the end of their raws, or stopped because the series is being officially translated. I can't recall being incredibly desperate for a series to the point where I would make do with crap quality, but I've had several friends tell me of the horrors of, say, early Golden Wind (Vento Aureo) scans. I think this and pressing for time are issues of patience, and I get that some folks can't wait. (Hey, Japan, when are we gonna get a good modern anime adaptation of Berserk?) If you could not possibly care less for quality (these people exist), more power to ya. You've got a stronger stomach than mine. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I will admit to being an English and TL accuracy snob (there, I said it!), and I do value a quality TL/PR over TS/cleaning -- to a degree. If the text is unreadable, or it looks like someone used a cheap Lexmark scanner from 10 years ago to load raws (or *shudder* JPGs hosted on Photobucket), I'll probably go elsewhere or do without. Same if the TL/PR is Duwang-tier or full of stupid memes. I don't think anyone should feel it necessary to "power through" or "deal with it" if the group isn't doing the series justice. If you love it, you want it to be in the best form it can possibly be. I think most can agree with this final point.

On Iota's comments in the series thread (thanks for pointing them out): I didn't sense anything about Iota's comments that give license to the hate that followed from Entropia's followers. There was no need for anyone to leap to Iota's defense; there was even admission of inadequacy by Iota. Iota didn't appear angry. If anything, disappointment was expressed by Iota over the new group not reaching out beforehand, and that's completely understandable -- but certainly not worthy of an angry brigade touting insults. @xxsaznpride gave their reasons as to why they didn't reach out, and that's likely come from past experiences working in groups (speaking anecdotally, won't digress here). That said, I won't make further assumptions or retrospective suggestions (could have/would have) -- it's silly and not my place to do so.

It's fine to disagree with my point of view. No problems with that. People know what they want and what their priorities are. No hard feelings from me, at least.
Mar 10, 2020
I don't know why I'm even responding to this at all, but...
>forcibly took from them
Sorry, but I don't remember holding a gun to their head and "forcing" them to do anything. Literally nothing is stopping them from continuing their releases.

I was buying Japanese tanks looooooooooooooong before I could ever read them because they're the best way to support the authors directly. My 7'x5' bookshelf back home is filled with Japanese tanks in their original shrink wrap. I haven't read them in Japanese but I bought them anyway because I read those series online and wanted to give them my money. This is to say nothing of my bookshelves in my current apartment, of course.

>But I do not have sufficient disposable income to buy a version that I can't understand
Then either do something about it or stop complaining about something you're getting 100% for free.
Are you a Teddyloid song? 'cause all I took from your post was ME!ME!ME!

"When I feel like it" is less "when I get bored" and more "if another group picks this up and puts it out at a satisfactory level of quality."

>generally less prone to coherency problems
Bruh, you can just tag me in the comments, but point that shit out so I can fix it.

Wish I were that good at expressing my thoughts coherently.
Edit: yeah, experience from working with other groups. Some were amazing, most were not.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 3, 2018
i mean, she wears regular clothes, too. she just does that when she has to demonify/ize (which is a really weird word)

unrelated to the complaining going on (which seems weird as shit to me, people can tl what they want, there's no 'claim' [also illegal, as mentioned lol])

what's the jp word/phrase that gets used for the demon transformation? curious about the literal translation of the word
Mar 10, 2020
the japanese name for the weapon the humans developed is "Anti Demonize"兵器.
Demonification makes more sense when translating 魔獣化, but I just said fuck it and rolled with Demonization because that's what the author chose.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
Took me a while to understand how Lorem powers work, she produces insane amounts of heat to such degree that she can scream like a melta weapon and has such control that she can lightly char the skin of their enemies while keeping their hair intact.
Dex-chan lover
May 26, 2018
Bruh, you can just tag me in the comments, but point that shit out so I can fix it.
To be honest, the coherency of your work is practically "spotless" IMO (certainly a league above the Entropia norm for me), so I didn't feel the need to give any feedback, but nevertheless I'll go through the chapters that you did tonight and see what parts I think need fixing.


That would literally translate to "Demonic Beast Transformation" (or, alternatively, "Demonic Bestialization"), which in hindsight does fit the bestial appearance and behavior that typically comes with the transformation.

the japanese name for the weapon the humans developed is "Anti Demonize"兵器.

... So the term has "Anti Demonize" as an Engrish component? I really hate it when Japanese authors borrow European-langauge words without respect for basic grammar; it's not like it's hard, given all the other instances in other manga and anime where such words are rendered in grammatically correct forms (I can gloss over improper gender since it usually doesn't have much effect on the end result).

@Renard: I don't think she actually screamed here. It seems that what we saw was her simply exhaling or burping.

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