@Ksen Oh hey, you're Ksenolog, right? I didn't think I'd see you here too
Anyways, great chapter, thanks again for the translation,
@xxsaznpride. I knew Zeke wouldn't just up and abandon Lorem and Gospel, though I suppose I was incorrect about the specific details...it sounds like he rejoined C.A.T.T of his own free will. But man, I agree with nickzero10, bandaids, asaroki,
@valknight, and the others here, Zeke really is a great dad--and husband, too. He went out of his way to help Merii even though he never knew her. What a great guy, no wonder Lorem made sure to tell Chi he was doing his best in his own way.
That said, one question if you wouldn't mind, xxs: On page 156/7 on the dex, should Zeke be saying, "I have an idea that'll solve all our problems and *let us* live our lives as a family?" I didn't see the 'let us' there but I assumed that's what he meant.