Musuko ga Kawaikute Shikataganai Mazoku no Hahaoya - Vol. 5 Ch. 117 - Determination

Dex-chan lover
Dec 5, 2018
@Human_the_2nd Gospel is resistant to his mother's heat since he had the same powers as her. Having genes from his father might nothelp at all. Merii and Lorem are sisters but their powers are very different.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Did no one really guess he'll go back to C.A.T.T. to protect Lorem and Gospel? Cause I thought it seemed obvious even if we're just now getting all the details.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 21, 2019
Wait really? I don't remember Gospel having any powers (Aside from his battle mode activation)
Merii & Lorem are "sisters" and not parent & child, and I'm not even sure they're blood related (Their most similar characteristics they have are probably their body figures & horns) (They haven't given us much info about their parents after all)

Though you can't shrug off the "possibility" of Gospel having resistance/immunity against his father's poison, it's not impossible
Dex-chan lover
Jan 13, 2019
so thats why he can't live with lorem for now....
but to think that even his colleague didn't know their relationship, i guess only Higher Ups know about it....

@Human_the_2nd Gospel didn't have similiarity with his mother except the horn and hair color ~
so yeah, we can't using Human standard characteristic to see if they are blood related sister or not,
Merii probably inherits one of her parent wings and tail, same with Lorem....
until their past explained even further, i'm gonna assume that they blood-related sister...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018

It certainly doesn't appear that Gospel has the same ability as his father. At the very least he hasn't shown any ability to generate the poison, whereas he has shown an ability to withstand heat (but not generate it yet.) It's hard to say since he's just a baby, however humans have been analysing his blood so we'll eventually have a report on that. Perhaps the reason the CATT agent was interrogating Zeke was because he was already aware of the results of Gospel's blood test.

In any case, Gospel has inherited traits from both of his parents. From Zeke, his tail and wings. From Lorem, his horns, hair and eye colour. The colour of the scales on his tail appear to be linked to his hair colour. Also, he doesn't only have scales on his wings, he has a few white feathers (I might be wrong about that, and they were just scales). The claw on his wing is unique. Unlike Lorem (or maybe it's hidden under her feathers), he has a claw, but the claw he has is similar to his horn in shape, and so it doesn't have the saw shape that Zeke has.


I would say that Merii and Lorem are certainly sisters. There's their body's shape, the shape of their horns, the shape of their tail and the shape of their wings (if you covered Merii's wings with feathers, they would look very much like Lorem's). They are both exceptionally powerful demons.

From other demons who are related, having similar horns is a dead giveaway of being blood related. I don't think we've seen any demons who weren't related who had the same horn, but if we did I would assume they shared a common ancestor.

They do have very different powers and we should assume that they inherited them from their parents from how Gospel has inherited his heat resistance from his mother, but there are demons born without abilities, without wings, and perhaps with new powers? Who knows? I certainly agree that Gospel could also have inherited his father's ability in some way.


I figured some chapters ago that Zeke might decide to rejoin CATT to help Merii. It looks like his hand was somewhat forced in the matter due to these circumstances.
As always, they're quite cute together. Lorem wraps her tail around Zeke's here too.
Jan 18, 2018
1) I'm just glad that Zeke didn't just step out to buy a pack of smokes/ grab a carton of milk one night.
2) Humans suck.
Group Leader
Mar 1, 2019
Well he left to protect them so half right I guess, plus was mostly trying to add to what people already said.
People did say Lorem's sister got captured but I didn't really think about it since people said she was smart enough to take care of herself 🤷‍♂️
Either way, Zeke is best dad👍
Active member
Dec 25, 2018
Zeke's a cool dude, but man, I dunno what it is exactly but Lorem seems so incredibly chill right now compared to normal. Like yeah there's the hype with her son, but it's like...dunno. Vibe feels different.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Just imagine gospel having the firepower that lorem has and being immune to the ad gas that would be a nightmare XD.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
So one moment translators are bitching that people "aren't guessing" but reading RAWs instead according to them, then the next moment they gloat that everyone's been wrong about why Zeke left?
Seems a bit contradictory to me...
Apr 6, 2020
Awwwwwwww, I want them to go back together already ! D:

Zeke's best dad yo 😍

Thanks for the (daily) chapters ! 😁

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