I'm glad to see you again, and thankful that you gave us another chapter despite being busy.
@xxsaznpride I believe I offered to buy you more raws a while back, and I'd still be happy to do so, but...I'm a bit of a brainlet and I don't know what an FTP server is ;_; I wouldn't be able to just email you the raws or put them on mega or something? ;_; I've also never cleaned or typeset manga raws before; if this was an anime and you needed me to fiddle with Aegissub, I'd be your guy, but I've never done anything with manga

But if money was the only thing I could front ya. But again, I am a brainlet so despite my good intentions I might end up causing more trouble than I'm worth, so I obviously understand if you wouldn't take me up on my offer.
@SirCuddleschmidt Nope, I haven't heard anything about an official english version. But man, this would make a great English release, I'd buy it in a jiffy. Heck, maybe they could even hire xxsaznpride to do it if that's his IRL job, I know at least one guy on Mangadex (the translator for another cute manga I like, The Story of a Girl With Sanpaku Eyes) got signed on to translate it officially. But that's quite an outlandish hope, haha.