Musume no Tomodachi - Vol. 4 Ch. 29 - Torn Up

Jan 26, 2018
Thanks for proving English is your second language. You can choose not to reply FROM now onwards if you like, but really, we both know this is just you slinking away back into the shadows where you came from with your tail tucked firmly between your legs.

To your point though, you seem to be misunderstanding something, so let me clarify it for you. I have zero respect for fedora wearers, which your absurd usage of ellipses indicates strongly you are one, so when it comes to respect there was nothing mutual to begin with.

Or in the words of your kind, next time you want to nitpick, better... heh... be ready... to back it up... kid... *teleports behind you*
Jan 27, 2018
Anyone else get extremely pissed at the girls at the start of the chapter who submit their summer leave request at the last minute? Why the fuck is it so hard for people to send a request at the start of the year? It's one thing if something came up suddenly, but just a normal vacation? Fuck off.
Group Leader
Jan 1, 2020
@irienanatsuki The only thing you got right is that English is indeed my second language even though I learnt it before my first one... 😉
But why do you keep mentioning Fedora? I don't even wear hats... 😂😂😂
Jan 21, 2018
@Itida_Ariel_2568 Dude, stop. While I don't agree with the language being used, he's absolutely right in that rhetorical questions can be ended in a full stop. You going, "No, you're wrong." Despite not offering anything contrary to prove your stance seems rather ignorant.

However, if you still disagree, have this, this, and this.

If you're still not convinced, do keep in mind that language is evolving, for example the word protest used to mean to declare something, but, in modern times is to assert dissent or disagreement.
Jan 26, 2018
So much for not replying any more. "English is indeed my second language even though I learnt it before my first one" is such a ridiculously oxymoronic sentence I am almost utterly convinced you have to be an idiot from the fraudulent scamlation team trying to troll me. It would make sense if you were though, I'd put your command of the English language at roughly the same level as one of their chapters. If you aren't, then let me assure you this isn't the hill you want to die on. You see, English is my first language, so maybe it's time to shut up and leave the usage of English to people who actually know how to use it.

Since you're still going though, I am going to point out that so far you have not provided even a single iota of evidence to your claims other than typing... like... this. On the other hand, I have asserted what I know to be right, and provided evidence. So if you want to keep typing, keep typing, but just know that with every word you continue to post you're not only making yourself out to be a bigger retard than when you first posted, but also digging your own hole that much deeper.

Here's the uncomfortable truth you don't want to face up to, but I'm going to tell you because it will make you a better person. You are wrong. You are very wrong. You have to resort to pathetic attempts at trolling and usage of emojis to hide the fact that your argument doesn't have a leg to stand on. It's time to move on. Once you accept that you are wrong, and learn from this, you will feel better, and you will have learnt something about your second language that you didn't know before.

Also, the fact that you don't know what a fedora wearer is is a crushing indictment of where you were (not) educated. I blame myself for overestimating your intelligence, but then again in hindsight I should have expected no less given that there are mouth breathers so dumb they lack self-awareness. I mean, how else would you explain people donating money to scamlation groups.
Jan 26, 2018

Thank you for your defence, but I'm afraid we're going to have to agree to disagree on my choice of language.
I do however, appreciate that you linked the Chicago Manual of Style, as that is one of the resources I recommend to budding translators.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
Are you actually retarded, or are you just asking questions for the sake of asking them? I'm genuinely curious here.

Sorry to interrupt the delightful debate you 2 have going on here, but I wanted to take time to reflect on this particular sentence.
the question and anwser in themselves hold so many layers of introspective analisys, that i couldnt help but ponder the full intention behind it.

Ill let you 2 get back to it.
Apr 17, 2018
Now I guess the girls in the beginning are taking advantage of the fact that the one knows he was with an underage girl (even if he hasn't done anything physical yet) and putting in that late notice. He needs to quit his job now for another because it will only get worse from here.

Thanks for the chapter.

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