Musume no Tomodachi - Vol. 5 Ch. 42 - Silent Warfront

Double-page supporter
May 15, 2020
@T_Rz wether it’s illegal or not isn’t really the point. It’s still extremely morally incomprehensible and predatory human behavior. I’m european and I can assure you I do not know anyone that thinks a grown man lusting after a school girl is anywhere appropriate. A teenage girl cannot fathom the repercussions and complexities behind dating a man so much older. She does not have the adult life experiences to understand how this will potentially destroy her social life, her work life and her mental health. She does not have financial freedom, she does not even have the same legal freedom(as in drinking, driving, getting work, accessibility to the full extent of a bank account, voting etc), so she is NOT an adult like him. You say what will be different when she’s 18, but most of these aren’t available in Japan before you’re 20.

However speaking specifically within legality, there is still a lot of things that could happen that could lead to criminal charges. Traveling with them to other regions with stricter consent laws for example. Or sending illicit photos or videos of each other would also be illegal. He is putting them both at risk by enabling this fucked up relationship.
Jan 25, 2018
In USA you can enlist at the age of 17, in the UK you can do the same at the age of 16. Then you can get deployed and start killing kids half your age. If you want to argue about agency and ability to make life changing decisions at that age, go talk to your local government official.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2018
Lotsa people talking about the age of consent and what not but... I mean morally it feels so weird

Like let’s say the age of consent was 12. Sure it would be legal but still who in their right minds would lust over a child...

Idk I gets Mc is broken and so is she but this toxic relationship is what they need the least....


Apr 5, 2019
Get sniped kiddo

Also at all people complaining about age or age of consent: why are you even still here? What did you expect after reading the title, let alone the first few chapters.
If you don't like it that's fine, but why complain and/or continue reading it? Your complaining is going to stop no-one, not the writers nor the readers.

Feels like if a bunch of straight dudes complaining about yaoi manga being gay
Double-page supporter
Apr 9, 2018
@T_Rz yeah you go right on ahead and rationalize the behavior of a sexual predator.

I find it hilarious how many folks white knight for Kousuke every chapter, as if his behavior hasn't been reprehensible
Double-page supporter
Sep 3, 2019
@starlightcitypro LMAO you're just like Koto's mom. NO he is not a sexual predator
A person like that is someone who takes advantage of the opposite sex, usually younger, primarily to satisfy their own sexual urges that they refuse to control, even though they are in no reasonable predicament to do so. Kyousuke has made his intentions clear in this manga, he is just looking for someone/ something to alleviate the pressure and stress he has, yet nobody bothers to comfort or empathize with him, which continuous this vicious cycle of him nearing breakdown.

God there is a strong chance that people like you are driven by some agenda/ propaganda because there really is no need for you to read THIS FAR and yet you do so just to point out in forums that he is an unforgiveable predator, when it has been/ is significantly proven by the story that he's not

Don't like him, then get out of here. Don't read. There is no logical reason for people like you to stay here if you're this bothered by his actions.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 10, 2019
@iginto At the end of the day, he is the adult in the relationship. Yes, we know (since the story is told through his POV) that he isn't actively looking to take advantage of Koto, his main drive (at first, at the very least) was to have a daughter figure that would substitute Miya during her hikikomori era, he just wanted something to heal his heart when he was most pressured. But, that doesn't mean it isn't reprehensible that he allows a 16 y/o girl to lead him into a 'relationship'. By default, a 16 y/o is too immature to have a relationship with an adult, even if they are the ones chasing the adult. We know that Koto is basically daddy issues incarnate, and her mom being a psycho doesn't help, but she clearly doesn't need a relationship with Kousuke, if anything, bonding normally with Miya and experiencing a real parental figure would be helpful for her, not shagging Kousuke.

Anyway, adults must be held at a bigger standard than kids.

Going back to the manga, I don't see this ending up well.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
IMHO, people are reading way too much into it. Author could pull shit like "they lived happily ever after, the end." and they would look like clowns for getting so up in arms.
Jun 29, 2019
Having relationships with a female below the age of 25 is LITERALLY pedophilia.

But if it's 16 yo boy and older teacher like in so many other manga, then it's "nice".
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
@kusei-are what about 20 y/o man having relationship with 20 y/o women then, that's pedophile too? I thought 20 y/o is already considered adult in a lot of country, some even below that...
In contrast to a "minor", a legal adult is a person who has attained the age of majority and is therefore regarded as independent, self-sufficient, and responsible. The typical age of attaining legal adulthood is 18, although definition may vary by legal rights and country.
from wiki,by%20legal%20rights%20and%20country.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 16, 2018
@iginto I mean, is it so weird that people still read a story about two flawed human beings making the wrong, but very understandable decisions?

Like, I understand that MC's actions are wrong. He's taking advantage of the girl's need to have a parental figure (as her current guardian is not exactly fulfilling that role). However, he's doing this, because he himself is also under a lot of pressure, and she is his only source of relief. I don't think he's very aware of her situation at home either.

It's exactly because the immoral relationship between these two is presented in such an understandable way that I love this comic. He's totally taking the wrong actions here. As the adult, he should know better than to accept her advances. At the same time, seeing how his life has been until he met her, I can't help but feel like I understand him. I'm loving this dilemma.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
I'm so used to the chin-shadow of early Sako Toshio that the noses aren't even remotely a problem lol.

Hell, I liked it when Sako Toshio did it, but it doesn't really stand out here. *looks at own profile pic's nose*
Double-page supporter
Sep 3, 2019
Yes, i'm very much aware that his actions are not without repercussions or not reprehensible to some degree. Just fuckin irritated at people acting like they're this moral pinnacle who has this right to dictate that what Kousuke's doing is beyond irredeemable, which is a sign that they themselves are not mature enough to have experienced or at least understand what real hardship is. I know that his daughter can help alleviate a bit of the pressure he's in, but as shown in the manga, she's being a selfish cunt. Not surprising since teenagers are usually egocentric at that age.

The one's that are weird are the people who keeps sitting in this morale pedestal and is like out on a crusade to demonize Kousuke. I mean yeah we get that he's wrong for keeping on with this jailbait, but c'mon. After what he's been through with everyone not even willing to hear him out, chewing him out, talking behind his back, destroying his reputation, daughter being selfish and basically the whole world being thrown at him - it's no surprise that he'll be desperate for any kind of respite from this stressful and unfair position he's in.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 21, 2018
"What were you like as a child?"

Well she still is one sooooo....

Man I hate it here lmao. Someone said she's 17 but nah pretty sure she's a first year JUST LIKE HIS DAUGHTER. I will continue to read and comment because I'm interested in the story and hope MC faces repercussions for his creep actions.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 10, 2019
@iginto Miya is selfish? For what, for experiencing grief for the loss of her mother? For not liking that her father devotes himself more to his job than to his family, even arriving late to Keiko's deathbed? Let's remember that the first time that Miya came out of her room and needed Kousuke, he stayed with Koto at the Karaoke.

I'm not saying that Miya is without fault, she is behaving like a child (because she is one) but her actions are easily understandable. Hell, that's what makes this Manga great, you can empathise with the actions of basically every character even if they are wrong (except Koto's mom, fuck that psycho)
Jan 18, 2018
Are you saying we shouldn't condemn his actions then? Because the logical conclusion of what you're saying is that anything unethical can be justified if you're depressed enough, including murder and rape. That does not seem like an ethical framework that would lead to a good society to live in.

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