Musume no Tomodachi - Vol. 5 Ch. 42 - Silent Warfront

Double-page supporter
Sep 3, 2019
Yes there are various reasons as to why Miya would be upset over his father's actions, and rightly so. But not even taking a second to consider why your father made such decisions? and just focusing on how certain actions affects your own feelings and no one else? now that's unfair, and selfish. Just merely listening to your dad is something she is very much capable of doing, you don't need to be older to do that much. At least Kousuke is trying to rectify what he did wrong before and does what he believes is best for Miya, and at times messing up, but TRYING nonetheless. The moment Kousuke suggests something that doesnt fit with Miya at all, she immediately throws a fit and does something damaging, when she is very much capable of just talking it out with her father, until they reach a point where they're able to make the best decision for the mean time (hence why i called her a cunt, since she is not being compassionate and giving his old man a chance at all). I mean you're his daughter, at least make the effort to be the ear that listens to his woes, but she didn't. Instead, Koto became that ear.

No I am not saying his actions are excusable (refer to my previous post "Yes, i'm very much aware that his actions are not without repercussions or not reprehensible to some degree"), just not surprising after what everyone is putting him through. Yes his actions are condemnable, but they're not as severe as rape or murder now are they? Whether a certain act is unethical, there will always be a solid ground as to why that person did what they did. Some can be forgiven and deserves a shot at being vindicated, others are just illogical to even be considered to be pardoned. We saw what happened to Kousuke, yes what he did is wrong but not to the point where its beyond redemption, and I'm just hoping that he'll turn around, otherwise, he'll continue driving himself to ruin.
Basically, due process, don't just suddenly condemn the man on the spot, investigate and understand why he did those things, then you can make the right decision moving forward. That's what makes an ethical system/ framework justifiable.
Jan 18, 2018
Here's what I don't get with what you're saying. You're saying that his actions are inexcusable, but at the same time, you say that there are grounds to pardon him? Those two statements are contradictory. What I believe people are calling for is repercussions for his actions because he did an unethical thing as judged by society, but it sounds like you want him to be forgiven without any punishment due to what he has gone through. Actually, he probably had a case for child grooming when he was telling her no, but now that he's stopped doing that, he would most likely be convicted under due process for child grooming because he is now tacitly encouraging her to engage in a sexual relationship. And no, it doesn't matter how depressed he is for the reasons I stated before.

Edit: Just fyi, a discussion on laws and ethics, while seeming similar, are actually very different. The law tells you what you must and must not do. In other words, due process isn't going to do anything for you here as child grooming is a big no no and fairly clear cut once he stopped discouraging her advances (the law doesn't care about your feelings, only whether or not you
are capable of making a rational judgement, i.e. a plead of insanity). Ethics are more like guidelines and you might be able to make a case for it depending on what framework you use though, such as utilitarianism. Whether the framework is acceptable by everyone is a separate thing altogether though.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 14, 2019
Lol wtf I was surprised af when trying to go the next chapter sent me to the main title... Hell I can't wait this long!!!! AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGHHHHHHHHH
Double-page supporter
Sep 3, 2019
You're right I worded that poorly. I believe his actions are forgivable to a degree, for the fact that aside from what he's been through, he hasn't gone that deep into their intimate relationship yet and that he still has a chance to end it and possibly even help Koto with her problem. I don't think its in the severity of child grooming since as mentioned of its description : " lower the child's inhibitions with the objective of sexual abuse." He certainly is not manipulating her for sexual abuse, though yeah if he continues engaging in a relationship with her, he won't have a favorable judgment in the eyes of the law. Even though their relationship is consensual, if they ever have sex, THAT is still punishable by law, as I'm sure you know. So basically I hope Kousuke doesn't go further than this and manage to keep their relationship a secret, help Koto somewhat with her problem and end it then, while he still have a chance.
Jan 18, 2018
Actually, whether or not it's consensual is a non-factor as any sexual act between an adult and a minor are judged inherently non-consensual (see statutory rape). The reasoning is that a child is incapable of giving legal consent (including most, if not all, legal contracts). If you attempt to bypass that by encouraging a minor to become of age before engaging in sexual activity, that is considered child grooming, because child sexual abuse is basically any sexual activity involving a minor whether or not they have "consented". This stems from the belief that there is an inherent power difference between a minor and an adult, therefore any sexual act performed by the minor is considered coercion. That said though, my knowledge stems from my understanding of U.S. laws. In Japan, the Child Welfare Act of 1947 prohibits any acts of obscenity with a minor under the age of 18 despite an age of consent of 13, although there seems to be some exemptions under municipality laws, which involves parent consent typically. But with that mom... Yeah, good luck with that one.
Double-page supporter
Sep 3, 2019
>whether or not it's consensual is a non-factor as any sexual act between an adult and a minor are judged inherently non-consensual.
Well looks like he just have to make double his efforts to hide this fiasco then 🤣. Though I know somehow my man will pull through. His child is not helping, nor anyone. Someone, heck even his female coworker (though that'll produce problems of its own), needs to be a reliable source of comfort for him so that he can get his head straight and come out of this emotionally and psychology intact.
Sep 9, 2019
i like the parts where theyre just laying in the futon with their poker faces on, they look so cute
Dec 23, 2018
Sorry, didn't realize I missed your reply.

First of all, if you have read the whole manga and all you see in him is a sexual predator... well dude your understanding of the text sucks and were I in your shoes, I'd start wondering about my overall IQ level (don't mean it as an offense).

Second, what I wrote is a pretty clear explanation of criminal law, that you clearly don't know and should probably revise.

Lastly, what I told you is pretty much understandable by anyone, probably even by a toddler. Unlike what your delusions of justice might lead you to believe or hope, this is not pedophilia. If you're ignorant about a topic, you shut up. A smart person knows when to shut the f up, and when to speak up to lecture others.
Double-page supporter
Apr 6, 2020
Dex-chan lover
Mar 31, 2019
"What were you like as a child ?" Duuude lmao, when in the middle school you were taking her to the aquarium with your own daughter the same age, that's how
Dex-chan lover
Aug 4, 2020
this brat so fkn horny, she want to suck her friend's dad's dick so bad

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