Musume no Tomodachi - Vol. 5 Ch. 44 - Cat

Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
@Echonic I can help you here I think. (I love symbolism way too much)

To expand on what @kleiner said, her father likes freedom and the ability to spread his wings. He's not a bad person, though you could argue he does eventually become indirectly neglectful, but Koto never really seems to judge him for it and later in life emulates his behavior more or less. That's why the mother thinks that, in her obsession for the orderly, that the cat got what it deserved because it lived its life as it pleases instead of adhering to some kind of order.

If you notice, the dad doesn't say that he dislikes fish or finds them repulsive. He says that he pities them more or less for being trapped, whereas the mom actively detests the cats by thinking they're filthy animals and treats them like filth. The author's doing their best to show how the Dad's compassionate and kind, and that he doesn't hate or really loathe animal/lifestyle, but finds some pitiable and sad, whereas the mom actively detests other forms of existence.

But even moreso, if you notice the fish represent the Kisaragi household, in that it's strict and orderly. You live your life trapped in a confined existence as show for others what a good family you are without any freedom of your own. They're supposed to put their life on display and be confined to their own small space with no wiggle room or freedom.

The cats, on the other hand, represent the Ichikawa household and Kosuke's and Miya's situation, in that they're too attached to Keiko after her death, which leads to their suffering. The mother would find the Ichikawas detestable, seeing the fact Kosuke can't control his daughter's behavior or his interactions with her daughter, but the father, who ran off with a younger woman, probably would hold great sympathy and empathy and try to help them if he could, which is the example Koto decides to follow in trying to "bury" the memory of Keiko so they can move on like she buried the mother cat.

The one piece I can't quite pick up is that Koto's mother looks at her breasts before she says she looks like a cat. I don't quite know specifically what to do with it. Could it be some sense of worry as she reaches maturity/womanhood as she feels she wants to control Koto all to herself and the possibility of her seeing men scares her? Or is it some kind of jealousy for the attractiveness of youth that she longs for, or maybe some sense that Koto would be a better mother than her, which causes both guilt and envy? Maybe it's the desire for some kind of sexual or romantic freedom that she feels she doesn't have, so she wants to take it away from Koto. I'm not sure yet, but I'm sure it'll be clarified later.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 20, 2019
I'm so sorry for children with shitty parents. The children had no choice in the matter.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
Decent father who isn’t always around vs horrible mother who is always around
Dex-chan lover
Sep 29, 2018
Wow.. thx for explaining, symbolism usually just kinda never really kicks in by me, I knew it had something to to with freedom but the weird silence from female mc every chapter kinda makes me confused.

I really wouldn't be able to handle that sort of shit if I was her age, with parents like that I would of ended up more fucked up than I (probably) am. I'm kinda used to mine never being around so it's kinda hard realizing parents are different as to the ones shown on tv loving their kids 'no matter' what kinda shit. I guess looking at the female mc and her relationship with her mother i'm starting to realize why alot of people in the world seem so fucked up. Parents really are a deciding factor on their kids behavior, a shame not all parents are good though.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
@Echonic I yam what I yam.

My parents are nothing like me, and I probably would have roughly the same personality in most circumstances just due to ASD, but nature/nurture is so complex and varies from person to person so much that it's hard to say exactly how much anyone is influenced one way or another.

I'd like to say that Koto was raised to be like her mother, but is slowly becoming more like her father, which is causing friction between the two. Honestly, what I really like is that we never see her father's face, but his presence is felt and we get a sense that he's this distant figure that comes when she needs help or insight that her mother can't provide. It's a good subversion of the "dead beat dad" trope, and it's the first time I've seen a father running away with a younger woman actually seem justified to some extent. Which is ironic, because I think Koto is trying to get MC to do the same to some extent, except to still allow him to care for Miya
Dex-chan lover
Sep 29, 2018
I kinda like to believe everyone autistic just on varying levels, with the most efficient ones being called normal. I used to be a little brat till I had siblings to take care of. That factor changed me over the years to be kind and stuffs completely changing me from who I initially was, so I guess it kinda depends also who you're around most of the time.

Also haven't really seen the deadbeat dad trope a lot due to most anime/manga parents always being at work or an eternal vacation in Hawaii. Though I do agree with you that the dad seems somewhat justified, not exactly perfect, well maybe far from it but at least leagues better than the mother. Though i'm kinda wish washy about this whole freedom thing cuz why even have kids when you're not gonna be around to raise em? like that 'free' father from Ohayou Toka Oyasumi Toka.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2019
God damn you, guys you fooled me! I already called the social bearvice... I hope everything turns out right and mother will explain them that she was only pissing behind the trees...
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 3, 2019
Here I thought today was gonna be D day for Koto. But no, it's just another session of "Hitler's best friend".
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019

He might have not had the rights and she probably is the type that would use her children as a bargaining chip. (If parental rights are an issue in the West, imagine how bad they can be in Japan...)

I think it's also implied that he knows Koto is old enough that she can spread her wings on her own to some extent. (Keep in mind, she was in her mid-teens when he left) He'd probably come back if he know she needed help, but he wants her to become independent, which is something I think her mother wouldn't let her do.
Feb 4, 2018
Another and simple symbolism here :

Her dad pity the fish who are trapped in a cage, much like he is trapped in his house with his horrible wife.
Her mom love the fish who can't move away from the cage, much like her family in the house, where she can control everything.

So yeah, both parents are polar opposites, and it's really not a good thing for Koto.
I still wonder how they could get married and lived at least 15 years together if it was like that since the beginning.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Tamerlane I might be reading too much but I think she actually looks at her daughter like that way in an attempt to imply she's jealous of her "charms", like most people would love a cat's charm and prefer them as a pet over a fish. I think it could be related as if the "woman" the dad got in would be similar to Koto, so she's behaves in an scornful way towards her. Think of it as if she'd be a "daily reminder" of her losing grace towards her husband.
Active member
Jan 30, 2018

The one piece I can't quite pick up is that Koto's mother looks at her breasts before she says she looks like a cat.

Yeah, author wasn't very clear, moreso he's not very fond of ecchi details (like highlighting her cleavage). An alternative would be her despising the sunburn Koto mentioned on the previous page. But I would bet now on jealousy of her youth and good figure ("maybe if I could be as attractive as my daughter, my husband would pay me more attention"). Maybe on next chapters we'll discover something new...

On a side remark, I don't like fathers who abandon her children and I don't dislike mothers who keeps her teenager daughters away from older men. Her problem is not letting her grow to be an adult (and obviously being a liar), but keeping her away from danger is not a problem "per se". A father who abandon his daughter because of another woman, on the other side, is pure trash...
Dex-chan lover
Mar 25, 2019

Ok, at first I have no intention to defend her dad, just want to give some perspective as follows.

In western society, freedom is basis of responsibility. And bringing a life to this world is an ultimate responsibility, therefore you should have an ultimate freedom to consider it.

In many eastern cultures, things are different. Society and couple's parents, and relatives, often expect married couples to have children. I think Japan and China have it worst, but not sure. Therefore, what Western take as an ultimate responsibility cannot wholely applied to some easterner, as they don't have ultimate freedom on that regard.

That's all I wanted to say at first, but I went back to look at what's her dad attitude... And now let say I feel obliged to to defend him to some extent. Just look at ch 21 and 28 to see what I mean. You and @Tamerlane interpretion of Koto's dad personality from those and these recent chapters would be appreciated by me, if you're so kind.

Thanks you for your interpretions so far too.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
Alright, why is he still faceless. He has enough presence despite being faceless that I'm on the fence regarding what will happen to his character.

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