Mostly in how they actually dive into the darkness around Koto (and in a darkened room, no less!), without making it sound hopeless, which tends to indicate that there's the possibility that she can grow out of what she's struggling with. In this case, literal daddy issues. The big question is how she'll address her mom about this, and whether chiefy boy gets caught out in his very illegal love. It could end any one of a number of different ways, but I'm kind of hopeful that Koto can get a solid emotional foundation under her, and that if the two do actually get together, it's a few years from now when she has that, and he hopefully has had some support or therapy as well for the angst and loneliness he feels. He's really tried to be a good man at every turn, and while I can't say that he hasn't crossed a line here, I want him to end up happy as well. Doesn't have to be a romantic end, I just want the both of them to be genuinely happy and fulfilled in their lives. Honestly, as dark as the last few chapters has been, they've given me some hope that the author is trying for that.
Fingers crossed.
And for the time being, fingers off the dial button for 911, it looks like the danger might be past us. ...hopefully.