Musume no Tomodachi - Vol. 6 Ch. 45 - Human

Dex-chan lover
Jun 4, 2018
i didnt know that this series suddenly becoming deep
maybe i need to re-read it
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2019
Me, every time seeing new chapter of this manga arrived: "Hello darkness, my old friend"
Active member
Jan 30, 2018

I'd say real life is much, much deeper than that (in the sense of complexity of situations and emotions). But comparing to other mangas and works of literature with similar themes, it's quite simple (to follow the plot and create empathy for the characters)...
Dex-chan lover
Nov 28, 2019
I'm surprised he didn't give it to her long dick style this chapter. Tbh he's to responsible for a middle aged man chasing high school pushy. I guess he's looking for a real relationship, boo.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 3, 2019
I like how his father ask "Do you love your mother?" and then left after she says yes. Which imply that he actually cares about her daughter and want to take her with him too, but then he doesn't because he realise that she is far too deep with her mother
Dex-chan lover
Mar 3, 2020
@meidunk Dazai jumps in, takes over the rest of the series

also I really liked this chapter, because it goes to show how both Kosuke and Koto are seemingly the only ones who are able to support each other's situations.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 10, 2019
I really hope that this acknowledgment helps Koto move forward.
Aggregator gang
Feb 20, 2018
Is this author serious? Why the hell did her dad even marry her mom if he thought she never cared about what he thought? Koto has some really shitty parents.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 16, 2019
Genuinely interested to see whether the author can take this in the wholesome direction the last few chapters have hinted at.
Mostly in how they actually dive into the darkness around Koto (and in a darkened room, no less!), without making it sound hopeless, which tends to indicate that there's the possibility that she can grow out of what she's struggling with. In this case, literal daddy issues. The big question is how she'll address her mom about this, and whether chiefy boy gets caught out in his very illegal love. It could end any one of a number of different ways, but I'm kind of hopeful that Koto can get a solid emotional foundation under her, and that if the two do actually get together, it's a few years from now when she has that, and he hopefully has had some support or therapy as well for the angst and loneliness he feels. He's really tried to be a good man at every turn, and while I can't say that he hasn't crossed a line here, I want him to end up happy as well. Doesn't have to be a romantic end, I just want the both of them to be genuinely happy and fulfilled in their lives. Honestly, as dark as the last few chapters has been, they've given me some hope that the author is trying for that.
Fingers crossed.
And for the time being, fingers off the dial button for 911, it looks like the danger might be past us. ...hopefully.
Thanks for the chapters! Never expected to actually like this series based on the premise, but here we are. More nuance and people genuinely trying to be good and mature than I was expecting, I think.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 7, 2018
@Nothas sometimes it takes a while to truly understand a person. Some people don’t reveal their true personalities until they are comfortable with the person they’re with or they won’t show it until after marriage. They might even hide it forever. It doesn’t help that they seem to rush to get married in Japan.

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