Musume no Tomodachi - Vol. 6 Ch. 49 - Deviant

Aug 18, 2018
@scarlet_summer you are still going on about the age thing which in this case does not matter. you are talking about the guy as if he were a normal reasonable adult but if all previous chapters couldn't show you what a patch, weak and unstable guy he I think we are reading 2 different manga.

they are both broken people who don't seem to be able to make reasonable decisions which just leads to more problems in their mental health and like you said even personal life with him being probably branded as a child molester.

honestly I don't think this manga can have a realistic solution where they both go into therapy and a least try to improve their situation. manga like this either ends with miraculously solving their problem with no real effort at all after a bit of talking, a double suicide or something along the lines.

well to get back to my point you shouldn't blame this mc for not thinking clearly and being not in the right mind so that he got lead on by a kid because that is just what mental illness does to you. no point to argue who was more out of his mind.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2018
I'm still holding out hope that the mother gets exposed for being the abuser she is. She's way more deserving of punishment than Kousuke.
Double-page supporter
Feb 8, 2018

So he's not at fault is that what you're trying to say? What happened was an accident? It 'just' escalated is that it? He was even trying to reason with her here so I could at least say he's sane. You can't blame everything on mental illness coz he's still a functioning adult. Thing is in this situation he's in control. Until he wasn't. Coz he's being an idiot

I remember that chapter when he told off a coworker for committing adultery with another coworker. He's still functional enough to know what's acceptable and not. That is why I'm holding out hope that he at least exhibit that kinda attitude here. But nah
Aug 18, 2018
@scarlet_summer first of all mental illness and being insane are two different. just because someone suffers from mental illness does not mean that said person is insane. its just means his thoughts actions etc. are influenced by it and in no way is an excuse for any actions they make. it just explains them and actually makes them somehow predictable.
second of all, do you not realize the hypocrisy in your words? you say I cant blame his actions on mental illness, while you were defending the girl by talking about her age. well I wonder how you would respond if I say you cant defend just cause she is not an adult. but thats not my point anyway.
Furthermore I have no idea why you would call him a functioning adult. from what I see he is far from a functioning adult. proven by the fact that he has this weird relationship with a minor and a lot of other stuff that happened in the story e.g. that he just recently skipped his work to meet her.
and this goes both sides. the girl actively sought his presence. do you defend that because she is a minor? that she had no idea that this is not a good idea? that because she is not an adult she is freed from any responsibility regarding this matter?
I think the reason why you cant look at all that is because you find the action of an adult man interacting like that with a minor unforgivable for whatever reasons, which ofc is fair, but the manga has provided so much background information for him that you should at least understand his point of view and see him like a functioning adult and more like the opposite of that.
Jan 13, 2020
shes had no time to cope to help with her mental health but he on the other hand has had a year for his wife...and 20-30 more years to get through his thick skull that its not right to date a minor which is shown that he understood that but still decided to do it saying that he would fill her void or some shit basically taking advantage of her imo. If they were bonding more like father and daughter in a Aromantic way I would understand because both of them seem to have issues in those fields @randomname what do you think about that and its not that its unforgivable but just wrong in so many ways I feel like...I wanna hear your thoughts
Edit: Dont get me wrong she was forcing it on him but its his job as an adult to not waiver and set her on the right path instead of the consistent romantic feelings that are growing between the two
Aug 18, 2018
@kanapp first of all I dont think time is really an important factor at all. most people arent able to deal with their problems on their own no matter how much time they have anyway. It does not need to be professional but at least some good friends or other family who give you emotional support. In this regard it seems the mc had no one to help him get over it. We do not see any friends or relatives who actually helped him. Of course he never communicated about his problems but if someone really cared about he probably would have noticed how much his wifes death affected him. Same for the girl. She had no close person she could confide in telling her problems which is part of the reason the relationship got so deep.

You are right that a responsible adult would have tried to help the girl and never seen her as a love interest. Thats why even though he know its wrong and does it anyways shows in which state he is in.

Is the relationship they have wrong? No I dont think so, in the way its a natural conclusion of what I said before. Both of them have some problems that they can not solve on their own. They dont actively seek help from others and the people from their environment dont really seem to care about them. They felt alone even though the do have some people surrounding them which
was part of what draw them together.

Of course an adult being with a minor is wrong somehow but in this case its just a cause of 2 persons messed up lives intervening with the one persons just being a underage girl and the other an adult man. One thing that could give you to think why it would be wrong, because you connect kissing with sexual desire which in this case would be wrong as hell. But I think in this case the sexual component was less important than the emotional one. Thats makes it at least for me at least a little less wrong but it is still weird.

Does that mean nobody is responsible for their own actions and you can just use the excuse that their were not in the right state of mind? Of course not.
Its just that thing should never have come to this point .Its hard to know a persons true feelings, but if you really cared and spent a lot of time with a person you should notice it and should offer your help. If it comes to a point where your daughter has a relationship with an old man you probably can only blame yourself for not caring enough.

I know I am being very idealistic about this but maybe instead of condemning that this guy kissed an underage girl I would like the people to think about how it got to this point, because this is the reason why "friends" cut off ties with someone who is down. They only look at the outcome of what that person has done and not the cause.
Feb 21, 2020
Well, It suck. The old man can't handle his own feeling and worse, she still a minor. But the mother, I can't agree with her despite the fact that she try to protect her child due to the previous chapter. And also Koto. She don't even know her own opinion or what is rights or wrong. She just floating in a mixed bag after the mother compared her to a stray cat, which her mother called "filthy".
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2019
This is what he gets. If he had kept her away at arms length as he did in the beginning instead of slowly going from arms length to hands length to pinkys length. Hard for me to feel sympathy for him now
Dex-chan lover
Aug 27, 2019
🤣🤣😂😂 This pervert got what he deserved. High time criminals like put to jail. They deceive young girls.
Have some shame you have a daughter her age you degenerate.

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