Musume no Tomodachi - Vol. 7 Ch. 62 - Steal the moon

Double-page supporter
May 8, 2019
I wish I hadn't read the earlier translation because this makes much more sense. I love it when TLs put an end note after every chapter, makes you feel like you have a friend reading with you, and Daphie's thoughts make reading much more enjoyable. That being said, not a huge fan of the ending. Would love to have an epilogue for this.
Double-page supporter
May 8, 2019
@yasashikakashi if you enjoyed this, you should check out Watashi No Shonen also translated by Daphie's which is far more literature like than most of the mangas I have ever read. On par with Shuzo Oshimi's work
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Dex-chan lover
Oct 9, 2018
i'll post it again

seriously i thought mc would've kill himself if he continue to work under his situation like that not to mention when the word get to both of his relative , i liek to think of the ending like they keep see and text each other from time to times then meet again in future after the hiki daughter grew up and move out of mc care or something
Oct 25, 2019
Thanks much for the release. Much better reading the second time around

I'm a stickler for endings and I like this well enough. Love wins IMO, which is fine by me. I think this might be the quote that guides the reader the most in this chapter:
"The faint and ephemeral light that illuminates my path"

It's enough closure for me.
Feb 19, 2019
i started reading this manga just by curiosity, and ended waiting for the release of a new chapter every week.
thanks for bringing this history to us by traducing it.
hope to see the autor new works and yours :3


Dex-chan lover
Oct 9, 2019
Jesus Christ. Those ladt dialouges were lovely and and sad at the same time...

Welp,, thanks for the TL and for finishing it all the way.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 7, 2018
In the end, nothing really changed. Koto grew some balls, dad lost all respect from his coworkers and daughter, and daughter left her room (but god at what cost)
Dex-chan lover
Mar 25, 2018
Thank you for the work you have put into the translation. I have to say it has been a while since I read something that made my brain want to just overanalyse it a bit but after reading through this quickly I do have to say that the story is remarkably well constructed though I do have some problems with how it ended and with some of the framing (whole pedophellia thing aside). this ended up really long so count it as a rant.

Part 1 - The core
The story definitely has a framework for how the character operates and the story of Kousuke and Koto can be seen as one where two people are completed by each other because they have what the other lacks. Kousuke lacks vision, he is swept by the events of his life and is unable to actually see and articulate what is it that he wants and figure out how to get it and just ends up doing what he thinks society and others wants instead of approach others as people each with their own desires ( this is how he approaches most of his problems until the very end); however as an adult he has full agency of actions and is able to do what he wants when the decision is made. Koto is the opposite, her home life strips her of any agency that she can have and as a minor she doesn’t have the full agency that is given to adults, being subjects of her parents and their dysfunctions. Conversely, however she has a vision of what she wants for herself and others around her, but due to lack of agency it is warped into a sense of playing the “bad girl” as a way of playing adult.

So while individually, each of them is incomplete and barely functional, together they feel complete and are able to take actions that solves each other’s problem and the story progresses as they are able to overcome obstacles that then allows them to be whole.
Part 2 - The obstacles
The obstacles for the two protagonists in this story is in many ways themselves, internal to their conditions. This is reflected in the initial source of problems for the two characters both being from within their own families, Koto with her mother and Kousuke with Miya. Koto’s mother and Miya also act as foil to their respective protagonists, reflecting their primary weaknesses.

Miya is like her father, she has agency despite not being and adult ( she, against the societal norm, shut herself in and left the home when she couldn't stand her father) but like her father she lacks vision of what is it that she wants, being only able to express it in terms of her father’s lack of attention for his family. Miya, also lacking vision, only exercises her agency to make decisions in reaction to others and their expression of their internal vision and state. This is most prominent in how she first leaves her room after Kousuke; having just met Koto and learned that it's ok to express his anxieties; tell her that he is lonely. Miya’s conflict with her father is a simple one, with both people acting without vision, they conflict as Kousuke keeps on trying to act in a way that he thinks she would like him to act while Miya is frustrated with a person a father that doesn’t actually express his internal state or tries to understand her( the moment when she did ask about his internal state, in this case his relationship with Koto, he lied)

Koto’s mother is also similar to her, trapped in a loveless marriage where she bounds herself to her husband despite having no reciprocal emotions and fears being abandoned by others. Alot of Koto’s behaviour mirrors that of her mother and that is her conflict with her mother, and represents the desire to act agency while they are feeling trapped, Koto likes taking care of small animals and then caring and following Kousuke (also asking him not to abandon her). Koto receives a much more brutal version of this from her mother, who uses her as a way of acting out her small bits of agency. Koto also sees herself in her mother, as when asked whether she is a fish or a cat, she imagines herself as a fish swimming freely.

So the resolution of the story should come about when the two protag, realising what is it that allows for each other to do, help one another in overcoming their family problems and realise their place with each other. Except……
Part 3 - The Landing
So far the story has managed to construct this dichotomy of vision & agency and how it reflects both the protags but also the journey that they must go through. But imo it kinda falls apart a bit at the end. The 1st big failure I want to touch upon is the part where Miya confronts Koto and the end and the Taxi scene.

The taxi scene is supposed to be the moment where Kousuke has realised his own vision and is exercising his agency to get what he wants. How he does this though is completely against the nature of his conflict with Miya and represents one of the big problems of the narrative, in that the author doesn’t actually know how to use Miya well in conflict with her father.

Before this moment, Miya already confronted Koto and already had a resolution with her as to the nature of their relationship. While Miya in this case is reacting to Koto’s act of agency in apologising, she articulated a vision of what their relationship is with Koto and given that she is like her dad, she should be able to act on with that agency to help out her friend. This should connect into the taxi scene, with Kousuke, armed with his new ability to articulate what he wants and ability to understand others better to connect with Miya about her relationship with Koto and so they can go help her/understand each other.

But then the author during the taxi moment, the author basically makes Kousuke use his newfound desires and vision to….ignore her and run to Koto. While he did for the first time say out his desires that he loves Koto, this basically did not resolve the nature of his conflict with Miya and in a way confirms the Miya view that his internal state is that he does not care. The author kinda bandaid this a bit after he came back and for the first time since the scene before Miya came out of shut in; to say that they should talk to each other to understand each other. Ideally I think Kousuke's conflict with Miya should reflect Koto’s conflict with her mother in scope but due to the framing and focus of the story on Koto, it ended up being less developed.

That also brings me to the second big failure of the manga, and that is the framing of Koto as the Femme Fatale and the focus on love/lust. After we know about Koto’s backstory and family situation, the frame of the femme fetale is subverted ( reflecting the subtitle of the manga) but as the story moves on and things becomes more “heated” for the lack of the better word; culminating in the kiss at the park; it detracts from what worked about their relationship in that they help complete each other and devolves to just wanting to fuck. Koto at the beginning likens Kousuke to a puppy that she wants to take care off and then by the time of she followed him on his business trip, has completely just boiled down her desire to fuck him. This focus on their love is also what I think lead to that very stupid and cringe taxi scene, complete with the “only I get her” line.

I think in a way the author wants to show that Koto, despite being a person with vision and desire, is still a teenage girl with her desires not fully realised outside of what she sees about her mother. It also shows the folly of her relationship with Kousuke and he, being a person that has a hard time understanding individual people, only responds with generic responses until the very end. This is reflected in how the story ends, with not a relationship but in a sense a stepping stone towards being more fully formed. Koto likewise, once having been able to exercise more agency, is also able to let go of Kousuke more easily, compared to her very needy and stalkerish behaviour before.

I do however felt that the story overused it to the point it detracted from what should have been their conflicts( her lack of agency and his lack of vision, which culminated in the park scene), especially with how many times foreplay situations occurred before the park scene(2 i think but that's already too many considering how flirty it was already).

On a small tangent, I am slightly amused now that I think about it that the most fully formed human being in the story is the blond guy who is friends with Miya. He essentially acts as the source of her epiphanies and visions throughout the series and was there for her even at the toughest moment(when her father bailed on her to fuck her friend).
Side note - a comparison
I have seen comparisons made between this relationship and that between Shinji and Miku in Gal Gohan, another manga where an older man ends up with a highschool girl, albeit more successfully. Comparing the two is a bit of an apples to oranges kind of deal since the former is a comedy romance but at least narratively, Gal Gohan’s relationship works because its between 2 people who like in the framework of this manga, has both vision and agency, ie they both want each other and is willing to work through it and overcome obstacles to be with each other, including the whole waiting after highschool thing and the true obstacle of any relationship, meeting and accepting the in-laws, even if they already like you. In addition, their relationship has more than just codependency and the highs of the moment since they spend time with each other just about every other day so that they actually love each other just for being the other person.
Double-page supporter
Sep 8, 2019
Thank you for your hard work!
This was certainly a story which evoked a lot of emotion in the readers. I would look forward to new chapters, but dread reading them. Very nice work, by both the author and the translator.
Active member
Sep 25, 2018
This was a very interesting manga, but the ending was very unfulfilling. I expected more.
Apr 2, 2020
Thank you for all of the chapters!

I think I enjoyed this manga better during the early chapters when things were more stressful, but this kind of ending was probably inevitable. I'm still happy I saw it through though.
Group Leader
Apr 19, 2018
It's nice to see people being honest, in fiction.

Quite satisfying ending for me because Koto successfully confront and smack some senses to her mom :'))

For Koto and Kousuke... Well glad that the feelings are mutual. I'd never support this kind of pair in real life and would really despise Kousuke, but in fiction it's whatever makes both character happy lah
Double-page supporter
Jan 20, 2020
I love the effort you put into your chapters so I always wait for yours before reading.

Ending was a little unclear... but at least one thing is Koto's family circumstance has improved somewhat

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