My Boyfriend Is a Jinyiwei - Vol. 2 Ch. 99 - 7th reincarnation's end

Jun 13, 2020
thank you for the hard work guys!!! phew i can't imagine it's been 3 years?!

i really love the story and the all of the character even Baili shen. But, i just don't buy the end of the story. it feels weird to end the story like that (?) ldk how to put it. despite that it's a great manhua.
Aug 28, 2019
Thank you for completely finishing this comic and your hard work!😘 Looking forward to your next work!
Aug 4, 2020
Thank you guys so much for your hard work on this series! Everyone did a great job over the last three years--you're all crazy-awesome. ❤️
Aug 4, 2020
Lianfo finished his last life so he returned to being a god of the dead. Zhao comes to see him to talk and hand over the shard of Shen's soul that he managed to save and restore. Zhao fell in love with ShuShu and married her after 20 years (when she was about 40), which he felt kind of bad about because she'd been in love with Shen. However, before they married, she asked him if it was OK that she continued to pray for Shen's redemption, so that maybe his soul could find peace (to which Zhao agreed, saying that he wanted to do that too). Lianfo (I can't remember his name as a god, sorry) confirms Zhao's suspicions that ShuShu and Gujiu were both part of Tong's original soul, with most of the spirit going to Gujiu. Lianfo tells Zhao that despite ShuShu kind of being part of Tong and her first loving Shen, he shouldn't feel bad because his brother had ruined his own fate, and that it was Zhao's fate to help ShuShu move on.

Later, Lianfo finds a rabbit spirit/demon in his yard, which I believe is implied to be Tong again. This helps him decide to set Shen's soul free to reincarnate.
At least, that's how I understood the ending.
Group Leader
Feb 3, 2018
@flootershai You're mostly right except
Lianfo and Yueluo actually exist simultaneously so it's not actually clear what the impetus for Yueluo's reawakening was, it could have just been that enough time had passed that he regained enough strength to wake up
Mar 3, 2019
Thank you so much for 3 years of your hardwork and time. I thoroughly enjoyed the ups and downs of this wonderful story with your beautiful and easy to understand translations. Thank you again for your devotion these past years! Cheering you on!
Nov 15, 2019
Thank you all the hard work for translating, cleaning, redrawing, typesetting and checking every chapter till now. It was a pleasant ride a a reader, you did magnificent job! 🥰
Feb 3, 2018
So did the 10th king e wake up after his reincarnation and Lin died and that rabbit was then her in her original form?

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