Fuck man, that was really raw and powerful
Shit, that was a real punch in the gut. Anyway, it reminds me of this song
Smoking cheap weed sipping on cheap vodka
You pick your poison down Davy Jones’ locker
It’s rum we be wanting
By the tons my consumption
Take a look at my lungs and my liver
It’s disgusting
Take a look at the man in the mirror
We start fussing
Only one person gets hurt when throwing the punches
And the man behind the glass just laughs
The waves come over my head and just crash
My hand start bleeding water starts receeding
A feeling comes into my heart I start believing that
I actually might survive through the evening
Survive on my own thoughts of suicide that’s competing
With thoughts of tryna stay alive which been weakened
By the feeling of putting on a smile while being beaten
The fear of drowning still diving in the deep end
The waters carried me so far you can’t reach ‘em
And it feels like there’s no one
And no one’s in the lighthouse
You’re face down in the ocean
And no one’s in the lighthouse
And it seems like you just screamed
It’s no one there to hear the sound
And it may feel like there’s no one there
That cares if you drown
Face down in the ocean