I was arguing with BCS over this being a very common trope/personality archetype in Japanese media - which I said this FMC's archetype isn't that common while he is arguing the opposite. You quote the Gadfly to us, therefore making it seem like you're condoning his position by reinforcing that yes, this is an archetype and it is common based on the fact that you're quoting TV tropes.
I tell you that if you take the entire population as a sample size (western media, japanese media etc), then obviously there would be more than enough occurences to count this as a trope. You're arguing that since the sample size is bigger, then technically the percentage of actual occurences/sample size becomes smaller.
And now I'm telling you that I'm looking at
absolute numbers - I'm not trying to delve into the bigger picture here with bigger sample sizes and etc.
Look at the japanese audience/sample size here.