My Hero Academia - Ch. 430 - My Hero Academia

Dex-chan lover
Feb 6, 2023
8 years feels like too litle of a time skip to do anything with the skip. What ruined the ending for me was literally all might breaking the end and making the 4 last pages where he gets the suit and they all jump. That was so unnesesary. It would have been an ok ending with him going to work in UA as it seemed to go on the 5th to last page. Also, not that I cared too much into the romance subplot, but wtf was the previous chapter for if not to set up something between Deku and Uraraka? Checkovs gun, USE IT. Don't just put random shit that part of the fandom wants to see and then do nothing.

Overall I liked the series, but this last chapter was such a wet fart, especially the last 4 pages.
I imagine this will be an ending where the anime will be needed to fill in the blanks and to give better closure.
Active member
Jul 23, 2020
Eh, Deku also had some bullshit thing with holes for a mask on his design at some point.

If we go full conspiratorial, on page 6 we see Deku and Uraraka on the snow both wearing scarves, so maybe they tried something? But then, on the panel you point at her neck thingy, while Uraraka is looking up and to the right, the one looking down towards her is Shoto. Also, earlier she is on a team with Tsuyu, Momo and Ida, for whatever that is worth. Anyways, the thing is, maybe this is more of a western thing, but there is no ring on that finger after 8 years, so she belongs to the streets.
Active member
Jul 23, 2020
Well this chapter does establish that villains are still out there, though not as many as before. Also apparently those that do remain are stronger to make up for their fewer numbers.

Honestly I'm fully expecting this series to get the Boruto treatment, where Horikoshi passes it along to a different author to continue. Deku's story will still be done, but it could follow different people, similar to the Vigilantes spin off series.

This series wrapped up in a way where things are still open enough to the point where they can go any direction with the story, and considering how much time and resources Bones has invested in the MHA anime, I see them wanting to milk it for all that it's worth, similar to Pierrot and the Naruto franchise.
Boruto treatment? What is that? Is that like where someone wastes money on an "official" unofficial fan fiction where a new author pisses on the legacy of the original work to the point where the original author has to be brought back? Because if so, I am good, I can pass on that. The series would have had a much better ending if it skipped the last 4 pages. The last chapter was meh, but it would have ended well enough if it ended looking at Deku's back as he looks towards UA. All might ripping the end to add 4 extra pages felt like something the anime can get away with as some sort of a fever dream, but it doesn't work with the tone of the chapter in manga form. The MHA universe has room for other stories, "vigilante" is proof of that, but make it about characters we don't know. Heck, I know manga is a Japanese medium, but it would be cool to see stories about heroes from around the world (outside of what was seen in the movies, since those are canon)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2019
It's finally over, honestly the final arc was a bit underwhelming especially the ending but I'm sad to see it go.
Thanks for everything Horikoshi, please take a nice well earned vacation.
Apr 9, 2024
Well, it's done, people will complain all that they want but they kept reading and watching for a reason.

I agree, it's not the ending I wanted, or many wanted, but then again, with this fandom, what ending could have made everyone happy? Most of them now'adays have a bunch of what the young call "fatherless behavior" with the shipping, the complaining, the theories, the "cancelling"...

There is a chance that Horikoshi-sensei pulls out an extra some time later, like in Kimetsu no Yaiba, or maybe he will make a whole new work, with different characters but keeping the references to MHA, who knows, only time will tell, we can't spped this things up and Horikoshi I think deserves to rest, and potentially get away from the internet for a while.

Not a great ending, not a bad one either, just an ending. Let's leave it like that.

Thank you for the chapters Shueisha, Horikoshi for making it, and Mangadex for keeping it close to the people.

Thank you and good night My Hero Academia.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2019
Considering the author's previous work are always end up geting axed or end very fast (only 1-5 volume each). I think Horikoshi-sensei have done very well this time. Though someone might hate the ending but its great story overall.
Watermelon Consumer
Jan 18, 2018
what a disappointing final chapter. Felt like a manga that just got axed and had to wrap everything up but also ignored the two epilogue chapters before it. Great to also finally know how it feels to be heterobaited lmao
Agreed, feels like there should've been a few more epilogue chapters to close shit out and then it just got axed on this one. Meh as fuck ending.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
That said I'm still not too big on him going the tech route. I feel like going that route trivializes things to the point where if someone could become the strongest with a suit of armor, then anyone can become the strongest.
I think it’s emphasized throughout the whole series that Midoriya is an extremely technical person and the majority of his success can be accredited to his ability to analyze and process information. Anyone who has the same equipment wouldn’t be able to utilize them as much as he does.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 25, 2020
That's it? That's the ending that caused like a week of doomposting and shitposting?
That was just a standard lame ending.


Jan 23, 2018
Officially usurped Bleach as the biggest fumbled final arc and ending in jump history.
Eh, ending was about the same, but the war for this was better than Bleach considering Bleach decided to introduce like 30 new characters in their battle. At lease this didn't do that.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 9, 2020
That's it? That's the ending that caused like a week of doomposting and shitposting?
That was just a standard lame ending.
Can we really call it a "standard" lame ending? We were promised at the start the story of how Deku became the number one hero. The ending is that he wageslaves for 8 years before someone hands him a high-tech gadget. The start of the manga has All Might telling him that anyone can be a hero, but both times we see him only becoming a hero because someone else gives him stuff for free. Is the message supposed to be "You can become a hero (but not the number one) thanks to nepotism and not your own hard work and abilities?"

They spent ages teasing the romance between Ochako and Deku, sometimes it was more serious, sometimes it was played for a laugh, and never actually bothered resolving it. Instead, we have Deku talking about how he misses his friends and is lonely, meaning they didn't hook up at all.

I could keep going, but I'm lazy. Almost every single story theme that the series set up was undermined in some way or another by this ending. It's really bad. It's not as legendarily bad as Attack on Titan, but this is a terrible ending.

Also, you, the person reading this post: Go read MHA: Vigilantes. It's basically the same story and themes but way better at every level. The only criticism I have for Vigilantes is that the second half of the final fight went on longer than it needed to. Everything else is fantastic.

Edit: It wouldn't even be hard to fix this ending either! Just make Shiggy say something like "a final boss has to have the best loot" or some other RPG cliche like he used to use at the start of the series, forcefully give Deku AFO, Deku uses it to become the best hero as a quirkless guy who can take away a villain's quirk like Eraserhead does. The more I think about this ending the more annoyed I get.
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Dex-chan lover
Aug 17, 2023
So basically he becomes iron man or batman ... it could work if he was already using support tools more often than not... they kinda did rush through these final chapters... it feels like there's gonna be a my hero career or something after this...
Honestly I still can't believe all of this happened in their 1st year of school
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2018
Questionable decision aside I don't think the ending is as bad as people meme up to be. I do think how Deku and Uraraka shipped up moment only for it to be no further development in the ending to be disappointing. Best case they put a story of it in volume version but I won't put much hope in it.

Also could at least put Deku in armor saving someone as final page, could at least make him cool that way. No comment on Deku classmates having hard time hanging out with Deku as I think its pretty relatable feeling. I'm sure plenty people didn't hang out much with the high school mates once they're adult. And it can be explained that Deku friends are busy with hero job + helping the development of Deku's armor. The fact that they helped with developing the armor shows that they still cares for Deku and want him to be together with them as a hero again.

Anyway 7/10 ending. Maybe 7.5/10 if I'm in good mood. Overall series is 7/10, for a shounen its 8/10.

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