Well, good job telling her off. That's been a long time coming. And it'll do Soo Ah good to have someone tell her off in a sincere way. Generally in the past, almost all her interactions, both negative and superficially positive, have been with people who are using her, and either being hypocritical or paying no attention to her as a human being or both. So like, she got beat by adults who were pretty much just taking out random anger on her or hitting her for stuff that wasn't even her fault, and she got sucked up to by people who just wanted to get close to her beauty or use her to boost their social standing or whatever, and she got backbit by people who were jealous and trying to boost themselves. Nobody paid attention to her as an individual person, whether to like or hate the real her (OK, one or two tried and she pushed them away so they couldn't). So here's Mirae saying "You. This stuff you are actually doing, this crap the real you is actually pulling, it sucks!" and that's probably the real-est personal interaction she's ever had with anyone.