Parents did quite shitty job of being parents. Granted they hadn't malicious intentions, but still they did quite the damage by being this neglectful. The father expecially by telling her to find a real job (implying her efforts weren't enough and not worthy of consideration) did a huge damage, exactly when she was extremly vulnerable while trying to compose back her life.
I wont talk about recognition of the issues, many people try to put a mask with parents or other close people, and while this doesn't seem the case it's still her POV, so we don't know wethever the depiction are what actually happened or a depiction of her mental state during the events (limited to when she was with the parents , other parts are clearly real). Also for what I understand in Japan there is still a social stigma about mental issue problems. My country still have a quite strong stigma for it, albeit things are better then 10 or 15 years ago, expecially after the pandemic lockdown, so often milder, less evident or intermiottent symptoms aren't diagnosed (like my own anxiety, luckly milder enought to still allow me to function and it's basically only triggered by major events (exams for example) ).
I do hope that her parents didn't know about her anorexy and the load of other symptoms her malnutrition were causing in chapter 1. Becouse if they did know and didn't bring her to the hospital stright away at 38kg wiith unhealing cuts and skin cracks, yellow sweats and co, then they gain some position on the asshole scale