My Life as an Internet Novel - Ch. 57

Apr 14, 2020

I'm replying pretty late here because I'm a dumb who didn't see the notification, sorry about that.

First off, thanks! Your analysis/explanation of the themes of this story specifically really made me see a lot of my frustrations in a different light, and rethink my perspective on this story. Particularly the stuff about

Now, I will say that part of my frustration was that Chunyoung, while admittedly stereotypical, has a genuineness to his character that a lot of those more stereotypical MC's lack. But given your points, I'm much more open to the possibility/probability that this story will be able to make Jiho's arc just as if not more believable. As for Ru-Da, well, I find myself liking him a lot less after recent chapters. 😕

In Dani's defence though (and I guess sort of in mine?) - unlike 99.9% of your typical isekai insert MCs, she has a very good reason to believe things will turn out like the novel, to unconsciously view her friends as scripted characters. While this trope normally frustrates the hell out of me when not played for comedy (see: My Next Life As A Villainess), I actually understand her having this view given the events where everyone forgets about her, and she seems to return to her regular life. But then again, I suppose how well that trope has been integrated should have given me a bit more confidence in the future of the story... 😅

In the end, my only remaining complaint is that my yuri trash heart still longs for Dani/Ban haha. 😋 But I guess I can settle!

Anyway, thanks again for writing out this analysis. It accomplished that most rare of deeds - changing someone's mind on the internet!
Jul 28, 2018
@Meridian_Prime Nah, I was partly just venting my own frustrations as I feel people tend to overreact when they find out
Jiho is the one Dani ends up with.
The story's really long so there's more than enough time for things to develop in a natural way.

I wasn't saying Chunyoung himself is stereotypical, but that the story structure -- his introduction and subsequent early focus, not his character -- is what enforces the readers' belief that he's the male lead. Because he's the First Guy™. I'd hesitate to even call it stereotypical as that has negative connotations. It's conventional which isn't bad in and of itself. It's more like a tried and true method of doing something. I know Ruda lost points with a lot of people after recent chapters, but every character in this story has their own personal struggles. They all develop as people as they face their problems and Ruda is no exception, so be sure to keep an open mind!

As for Jiho... I think the author knew what she was doing with him from the start. The hints are all there and I believe he's more than likable enough to endear himself to readers, so long as they aren't close minded. I get it. He doesn't have much focus right now so he's not the one people want but some of these comments make it sound like they'd rather die on the hill that is Chunyoung than even bother getting to know Jiho -- some writing him off as the vastly inferior or even worst choice. The story's too long to be brushing off characters this early. People are passing judgment on him without even allowing the story to properly delve into his character. The derision, the dismissiveness -- some of these comments about him are downright unwarranted when he hasn't even done anything wrong. Contrary to a lot of people saying he's "done nothing" so far in the manhwa or has "no chemistry" with Dani, he's been nothing but patient and understanding with her in a way that tries not to add to her burdens. Jiho knows that pressuring Dani makes her more reluctant to open up. That's why he doesn't press her to confide in him and instead, (this is important) casually tells her she can always ask him for help if she ever needs it (chapter 43).

He hasn't performed any grand gestures so far but he's always looking out for Dani, making sure she's safe, and trying to put her at ease. He's attentive and often the first to notice when something's off with her, even helping her multiple times without the others knowing (see: chapters 21-22; 42-43; 60). The casual, subtle way he cares for her belies the depth of his consideration. There's more than one way to show you care, and so far, Jiho has just done it in a quiet, less flashy way that doesn't add to the worries weighing Dani down.

I don't blame Dani (and by the extension, the readers) at all for thinking everything's already predetermined. Her first day in that world at middle school really was like witnessing the first chapter of a reverse harem plot. I think we're supposed to learn alongside Dani that the characters may be fictional creations, but living in that world, they're as real as Dani. We're quicker on the uptake about it, but Dani takes some time to get there.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 11, 2019
@Meridian_Prime Thank you, you said everything I wanted to say.
I typically have second lead syndrome so it's rare for me to like Chunyoung so much and I think that is due to how the story is structured and how genuine he feels. I'm still kinda bummed that he is not endgame so I hope the author can convincingly write the development of Jiho.
Apr 14, 2020

I know I said last time that you changed my mind, but honestly last time you convinced me to give Jiho a shot. You've now convinced me that I'm going to love him. Hell, I'm starting to see some flaws in the way
Chunyeong is a tad too possessive of Dani and her feelings for comfort - I've become so inured to manhwa/manga 'laws' (ha) that I just accepted that as collateral, while doing exactly the same thing that Dani is in dismissing Jiho as the rich kid stereotype, while ignoring his (as you pointed out) very quiet and genuine care.
Well done.

Seriously, you're damn good at this analysis mate. 😮 Should write a blog or something!
Jul 28, 2018
Well, I hope you do end up taking a shine to Jiho but even if you don't, that's OK too! I just hope people give him a chance to win them over instead of writing him off before he even gets his time to shine. The spoiler of him being endgame spreading like wildfire this early on in the webtoon did him no favours.

I've been too harsh on Chunyoung at times, but he's fine. I like him. I think he just needs to show a little more patience with Dani. He's very straightforward and that can translate to impulsiveness, but that's what makes him human. Every scene those two share kind of swallows the whole page, like we're just watching them in their own little world and getting pulled in. And I, too, thought Jiho would be the stereotypical arrogant rich boy but he's the only character who ended up being different from what I expected - in a good way.

Lol a blog? Nah, but thanks for the kind words!
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 13, 2018
Rereading the chapters and looking at the comments. And I really got to say, @sardonic, if ever you make a meta blog, I'd definitely follow.

(Though, this is ok too. Your and everyone's meta discussions are always a treat to read.)
Sep 10, 2020
im slowly opening up to jiho and after reading these comments, jiho definitely tries his best in the most subtle way that won’t burden dan-i... sometimes its too subtle that i kinda brushed it off.

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