this isn't my child, I need to beat ru-da up. our bebe deserves the best squad.
also concerning spoilers I did look for the raws and I no clue what they're saying. the story delivery is excellent and umm... gender doesn't matter to me? it 's more humorous than it is serious. it's suppose to be a joke because she superposing her knowledge of cliches into her reality. in fact now that friends are in a different classroom, ru-da shenanigans with the main cast is what is carrying the comedy of the story. (though right now I want to give them a knuckle sandwich)
I think the main concern of the translators is how the comment section chooses to bring the topic up when ru-da gender isn't the focus of the chapter. or at least it's become blantly common that they issued a statement about the matter. readers can also get hostile and ruin the atmosphere in comment sections because they choose to "defend their truth" regardless whether ru-da is a s/he