My Life as an Internet Novel

Oct 23, 2020
This is really good but after reading spoilers about who the ML is and what happs later on I think the story... I’m gonna drop it because it’s really frustrating and annoying

Still, I really loved it. I just wish it had a different ML, a different ending and for some events to not happen...
Aggregator gang
Aug 13, 2019
I saw a spoiler about the ML and really that's the only thing keeping me from dropping this. For once, I'm on board with the endgame ship.
Every other aspect of this comic has gotten pretty tiresome.
Jan 13, 2020
My fav ends up the ML but at what cost :/

After reading the comments and spoiling myself I kind of want to drop this the ending seems in bad taste I hope they change it.
Jul 28, 2018
ITT: people complaining about an ending despite missing all the important context and not knowing all the events leading up to it; also not realizing the narrative's overarching themes and how the ending relates to them.
Jan 13, 2020
You do realize there's spoilers out there that translate the light novel volumes? The ending was received badly by a fans of the light novel as well and even the author made side stories to wrap everything up but still stood by the ending despite fans complaints.

I still love the story but the ending feels like a gut punch with everything that happened.
Jul 28, 2018
@Astronomical_Oddity I'm well aware. But you'd be surprised at how many people have only heard/read the ending spoiler and nothing else and often times the spoiler itself is incorrect too, especially because most hear it secondhand. It's like a really bad game of telephone. Doesn't help that people also tend to do a 1-2 sentence summation of the ending that misses all the context surrounding it.

As for the ending,
I don't know what you've read about it but I agree with the author's stance on it, endgame, message/intent and all, especially when looking at the work as a whole with the themes of the story in mind. Hell, the author even wrote an alternate ending to "appease" those readers as a way to thank them for their support over the years, but not without taking a hard stance on the true ending being the initial ending they'd written and why, even in the alternate ending, it's not necessarily a happy one for Dani. Honestly, I respect that not just because the author said the true ending is the one they'd intended to write for quite a while but also because of how it ties into the themes and message the story had been pushing and building up to that point.

General ending spoilers and light discussion about theme:
Is it sad that everyone has to forget the times they shared with Dani even if she befriends them all again? Yes. But looking only at the end result is where people miss the context and nuance. They don't just up and forget about Dani out of nowhere. Dani herself is the one who makes that decision for it to happen because she wants to save someone else. Despite the fact that her greatest fear (which the manhwa hasn't really touched on all that deeply yet) is her fear of being abandoned and forgotten, Dani was willing to make that sacrifice because there was something much more important to her. The decision is a culmination of all her development and the lessons she's learned over the course of the story; whereas in the past, Dani would've always been afraid that she'd be abandoned/forgotten against her will and she'd be forced to accept it passively, by the time of the final arc, she takes rein of her free will and agency and makes the choice of her own volition to be forgotten, now with the belief that she can still actively build the future she wants with her own hands even in the face of adversity. Even if everyone got their memories erased, Dani was the one to reach out and befriend them this time whereas in the past, she passively became their friend because they reached out first. Ultimately, the tone and message of the true ending isn't a pessimistic one.

I don't want to say much more than that but there's like an essay's worth of things to talk about with how this story adheres to and explores its themes through the characters; Jiho and Dani in particular embody the overall message and theme of the work through their character arcs.
Jan 13, 2020
@sardonic while I respect your opinion, to me the ending is bad. I rather not go into an indepth discussion when I've gone through dozens of comments in different languages debating both sides and still feeling how I do.

I understand the buildup to it and respect the author for standing by their decision since at the end of the day it's their story and their vision. But it doesn't mean people can't dislike it and have criticism on it.

It's the same feeling I have for Bleach. Great story but bad ending. But Bleach ending was overall horrible while Inso's Law ending is more you like it or you don't it all depends on the reader.
Jul 28, 2018
I think it's shortsighted to say it's "bad" based on looking at the event in isolation without taking into account the themes and message of the story leading up to that point. As a whole, the story stays true to its message and themes, and the overall tone is a positive/hopeful one. The alternate ending might give people what they wanted, but the fear that they'd forget Dani again and not regain their memories would still loom over her. The author also made it clear that it undermines the message of the story and Dani's development. It becomes a Broken Aesop, which is one of the worst things to do from a storytelling standpoint—for a story to go against its own moral/lesson.

I'm sorry and I say this as someone who liked it a lot when I first read it back in the Soul Society arc days, but Bleach was terrible way before its ending and there was no meaningful takeaway from the finale either. Inso's Law, while simple, still sticks to its themes and builds on them to the very end. I wouldn't even put them in the same sentence.
Jan 28, 2018
It's a Korean drama satire of other trashy Korean dramas, but it's decent enough overall, especially if you're into genre deconstruction/satire type humor.

Separately, who added "Law of Insomnia" as an alternate title? The story has absolutely nothing to do with insomnia, and it's pretty clearly stated in one of the first chapters that "inso" is the Korean abbreviation for Web Novel.
Dec 16, 2020
i dont usually leave comments but wooooooooooooooooooooow this manga got me pretty annoyed most of the time...
literally fuming but i cant drop it because of the ikemen smfh someone pls slap the simp out of me
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 20, 2019
Wait.... Why the cover change to this of all image wwwwwwwwwww XD
don't give me hope like that 💔

Yup. WWMAP manhwa changed it course from the novel.
in the original plot, Claude's memory is returned right away by Lucas after he came back from the world tree by hitting Claude's head with the world tree's branch... (Lol)
Jan 24, 2020
can you tell me a bit more about that ending? Im reading the light novel but if it ends that way where she leaves everyone behind i might just abndon it because it's sad :(
Feb 2, 2020
This is so good. I discovered and started this today. I couldn't stop reading, I literally binged all 90 chapters after work today. I'm so tired I feel like I'm dying, but also it's KILLING ME THAT I CAN'T KEEP READING MORE??? I SERIOUSLY NEED ME, KK, THANKS. 😍🥴

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