My Love for My Roommate Is One-Sided - Vol. 1 Ch. 12

Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2023
so does her clenching mean she was also jealous or did I read that wrong? Is the straight girl actually not straight? Stay tuned for the next episode!
i think she was aware of the crush before but not sure that the roommate was fully gay versus like maybe being bi or so (but assuming she never dated anyone else just for appearances might be more of a 'slow burn' versus "we both got drunk and hooked up" lol)
Dex-chan lover
Dec 21, 2023
okay.. so she def likes her and knows(?) but still wont confess knowing its reciprocated is what im getting here
Edit: the reactions r so funny its just a theory ppl calm down 💀
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Dex-chan lover
Feb 6, 2018
Is she really developing feelings for Hana? or is it because she realized that Hana is someone who loves her unconditionally and she's scared of losing that even if she doesn't reciprocate?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 19, 2020
"He sure seemed like a great guy" -person who's only knowledge of the guy is seeing them talk for a few seconds from afar
Dex-chan lover
Apr 10, 2024
She's so obviously not actually straight.
What's interesting is that she never once claimed to be, either. That's all an assumption on Hana's part.
All we know at this point is that she is afraid of acknowledging Hana's feelings, because she never has had any relationship of any kind as stable as this one with anyone else before, man or woman, and she does not want to destroy that.
What we don't know is if she thinks that it would destroy their relationship because she is straight (increasingly unlikely, as you rightfully pointed out) or because she simply sucks at having stable romantic relationships.
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