My New Friend Wasn't What I Expected - Ch. 31

Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2023
Pretty cruel, making the girl who had a crush on your girlfriend to become friends. No way are those feelings going away now


Dex-chan lover
May 26, 2019
Who was this jealous girl again..? Genuinely :wowee:
Dex-chan lover
May 29, 2019
thanks for picking this up!!!!!!

(I don't think poly will be the route here, it seems somewhat that Sei has taken a step back and is getting along with the two as just friends)
Power Uploader
Jan 8, 2023
didn’t they mention you lot made an PUBLIC post? way contact you if you are already announce to stop translating?!?!
What? Do people think I'm being sarcastic or something? I'm genuinely happy with this guy for picking this up, and thankful for any other groups that pick up the series I left hanging. I never said anyone had to contact me for permission or anything.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2019
What? Do people think I'm being sarcastic or something? I'm genuinely happy with this guy for picking this up, and thankful for any other groups that pick up the series I left hanging. I never said anyone had to contact me for permission or anything.
My only guess is that they didn't realize because their English needs work.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 14, 2020
I feel so bad for Sei, like in addition to being left behind she has to also stay close to her crush and her future gf like 💀 that's just cruel
Dex-chan lover
Oct 30, 2023
Olive branch handed, friendship received.

Don't pollute this with polyps.
They are rather nasty creatures when you study them better.
Jokes aside it definitely gives off a certain vibe when folks push for poly stuff, idk why but it's giving harem fetish disguised as poly representation, at least when it's said about characters who would lose half their development arc or characterization if they just went and said "forget this person I've been pining for, group relationship! With the one she loves most and I'll be happy to be treated as a well-loved consolation."

Like let's keep it real, the majority of these girls want standard monogamous romance. Settling as a harem member who is able to be attracted to the main wife isn't poly rep, it's just male gaze harem given a sapphic coat of paint. I will die on this hill.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 10, 2024
Counting Raccoon (and I will, since it seems that their translation made Osis aware of this series being in need of a TL in the first place), you're the fourth group working on this now, wow
This is really good work though, I don't think you have to worry that much!

Back to the story- very happy for the two of them also watching out for Sei. Each of these girls really needs some trustworthy and understanding friends, so I am happy that they make sure that none of them is falling through the cracks here.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2024
Jokes aside it definitely gives off a certain vibe when folks push for poly stuff, idk why but it's giving harem fetish disguised as poly representation, at least when it's said about characters who would lose half their development arc or characterization if they just went and said "forget this person I've been pining for, group relationship! With the one she loves most and I'll be happy to be treated as a well-loved consolation."

Like let's keep it real, the majority of these girls want standard monogamous romance. Settling as a harem member who is able to be attracted to the main wife isn't poly rep, it's just male gaze harem given a sapphic coat of paint. I will die on this hill.
As a poly person myself, the reason I often hope for a poly outcome is that it has virtually no representation in anime and manga.

Yeah, there's harems all around, and isekai has given us a lot of questionable polygamy, but actual polyamory? Nowhere to be found.

Which is kind of what you were saying: you don't like harems masquerading as poly. I don't either! That's why it would be so great to see stories actually go a poly route. But it seems Japan isn't ready for that yet.

But you make a bad assumption about how a poly story would develop. Why would it have to end up as a "real" relationship and an "also"? Yeah, if that's how they did it, I'd be disappointed too. That's not what I'm asking for when I want a poly outcome. I want to see a collection of strong and meaningful relationships develop between characters, without forcing characters to focus on one because that's what the "rules" say.

You know why so much fanfiction is gay? Because the interest is not sated by what's commercially available. Well, the same can be said for poly romance. There's a considerable demand which goes continually unfulfilled. So of course, whenever a situation arises with the potential to work out that way, the people starving for poly stories are hoping that maybe, maybe, this time...

But it never does.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 30, 2023
As a poly person myself, the reason I often hope for a poly outcome is that it has virtually no representation in anime and manga.

Yeah, there's harems all around, and isekai has given us a lot of questionable polygamy, but actual polyamory? Nowhere to be found.

Which is kind of what you were saying: you don't like harems masquerading as poly. I don't either! That's why it would be so great to see stories actually go a poly route. But it seems Japan isn't ready for that yet.

But you make a bad assumption about how a poly story would develop. Why would it have to end up as a "real" relationship and an "also"? Yeah, if that's how they did it, I'd be disappointed too. That's not what I'm asking for when I want a poly outcome. I want to see a collection of strong and meaningful relationships develop between characters, without forcing characters to focus on one because that's what the "rules" say.

You know why so much fanfiction is gay? Because the interest is not sated by what's commercially available. Well, the same can be said for poly romance. There's a considerable demand which goes continually unfulfilled. So of course, whenever a situation arises with the potential to work out that way, the people starving for poly stories are hoping that maybe, maybe, this time...

But it never does.
Respectfully I don't think you heard me at all lol.

I'm complaining that every time I see "poly route?" Comments, it's under media that has done zero groundwork in allowing a polyamorous development to be anything less than an internally inconsistent pivot from what was shown so far. Like, love triangles between three monogamous people, where there is zero characterization to support some sudden poly awakening. That's all, I said nothing about how a poly story would develop?

And you can probably make your point without acting like being poly is the same as being like, a lesbian or any other orientation or something. Like yeah, society doesn't really praise open/poly relationships, but you don't have folks going "I might have more love than for just one person" and getting bigoted reactions. It's not "the rules" that say you can only love one person, that's just how most folks are wired, and unlike folks with same-sex orientations, being poly does not explicitly kick you out of heteronormativity because two poly folks can end up in a happy, two person, male-female relationship.

Don't mean to sound rude but in the last few years ace/poly/bi folks have gotten so annoying with the oppression Olympics. Yeah you're queer too but stop throwing a tantrum for not being perceived as excluded/oppressed from the heteropatriarchy. We get it shit isn't perfect for you either. But it gets to the point where y'all are making it about yourselves and it gets insufferable.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2024
Like yeah, society doesn't really praise open/poly relationships, but you don't have folks going "I might have more love than for just one person" and getting bigoted reactions.
Just wanted to let you know you're very, very wrong about this. People do get disowned by their families for it. People can lose their jobs. It is not a protected characteristic (speaking from a US perspective).

Yes, people can be stealthy about it and pass as mono. Just like bi people can often pass as straight. That doesn't mean there's no bigotry. A lot of people find it very difficult to live authentically because of the reactions other people might or do have.

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