I've noticed the vast majority of hate towards capitalism comes from those who have never lived through socialism. Then again the majority of capitalism vs socialism arguments are between armchair politicians that dont know what they're talking about.
@Hobobo most of Europe is living through some form of socialism. Hell even the capitalist hellscape that is the United States has limited socialism in the form of Social Security.
And before anyone brings it up, no, authoritarian communism is not the same thing.
@danime91 you seem to conflate socialism and welfare. Socialism is where the state controls the means of production. It's got nothing to do with stuff like social security or welfare benefits. The Soviet Union and Nazi Germany were both socialist.
@PlanOfInaction Nazi Germany was not socialist. It privatized many of its state entreprise and actively put down worker union.
The NSDAP also target socialist and communist first. They made no effort to bring any sort of political equality.
They were state capitalist.
@danime91 Social welfare programs =/= socialism. While it's true both have social in their name, one has very little to do with the economy and the others is a means to how to run/build and control an economy