very funny that Yuuna's like "family's the people you care about huh, so me, Sena, and Kiku" and she just doesn't even think about her fiancee, like this is not meant to be the take-away but it really makes it look like she does not give a shit about him lmao.
"Ah yes, my fiance. Don't worry, he is uh...
calm. And...
kind. Okay, it might seem like I'm getting married to a nameless, faceless non-entity, but I promise he has a name and a face! He makes me so happy, haha. It's all fine, don't worry about it

From Sena's perspective, we're talking about The Thing that Took her Sister from her. And the only piece of information we get to challenge this view is that He Who Shall Not Be Named Or Photographed is
nice. I assume this is unintentional, but rather than just a harmless, flesh and blood person, this man-shaped blob with a pixelated face and bleeped out name conjures up something menacing instead. Like a personification of heterosexual marriage as a Bad End.