The logic behind the child and his mother is a mystery for all those who have the misfortune of knowning a complexe tragic divorce. The scenarist of this shitty manga has the finesse of an elephant in a china shop. Huge bullshit. Well, it's the typical thing from the far-east, where the mother is at the end "in the wrong" and the ex, even if he is a fucking piece of shit, doesn't have to ask long for forgiveness. This poor woman that has taken on herself to raise a child is literally shown by narrative to be weak, fragile as mentally than physically, in need of help, hesitant, at the mercy of her surrounding. Even if she was betrayed, there will be no consequences.
I don't understand how this doesn't feel wrong for people. Just put your mother in the place of this woman, or any women you like / love. How can you feel satisfied?