I really like the relationship between FMC and MC here. He's very overprotective, which is the opposite of what you'd expect given he's the size of a child
"I'll teach your grandmother to suck eggs" is an old-timey expression for teaching someone something they already know
Yeah i have seen teachers like that one. They are the reason their shit class grows into a bigger problem and becomes a mess that goes and ruins the life of the actual good teachers.
Do you remember that one first trap L set for Kira simultanously was made to make it clear that Kira is a villain? Yea, licking "bloomer" made it pretty black ans white.
the sorry ass teacher:
"your kid bring cheap ass shit everyday and make other kids bully her. what? It's not her fault? it's mine? the fuck you mean you poor ass bitch? i have you know that I've been teaching for before you even born you smelly old fuck! and not even once in my class this bullying shit happen, cuz I'm pretty good at covering shit. go die in a ditch already old fuck!"