"I didn't swing that way" Gotou said calmly.Even though it's a misunderstanding I like that Gotou wasn't angry or upset about it, he took it seriously and calmly turned him down
What a respectful young man.Even though it's a misunderstanding I like that Gotou wasn't angry or upset about it, he took it seriously and calmly turned him down
1) The most pain in the neck coworker will get up in your bf's business.What could possibly happen with everyone knowing of us living together?
yeah he had a pretty sincerely apologetic expression lmao.Even though it's a misunderstanding I like that Gotou wasn't angry or upset about it, he took it seriously and calmly turned him down
Yall still working on this series? I quite liked these couple chapters. Its like please go home akutsu san, but the gyaru is more honest and outgoingAaaand much sooner than I expected, here's chapter 6! Enjoy.