Yes, Yuri Hime's April volume came out in February and I have no clue why. Yes, the last panel says "extra panel." I might have made a mistake or two in one of the handwritten sections, they were kind of a nightmare to parse.
This dialect page at end...
Translator have to be really bored, now I will wonder if Japanese have something like "standard" dialect to communicate without problems with not-native speaker and between dialects in public.
Thank you for the chapter, these girls are true gifts to the human race. Seriously though if Tojo were to become prime minister it occurs to me that Namekawa would likely have changed her goal to being the most badass Starbucks barista in all of Japan....
It makes ya wonder though if Namekawa were to to catch Tojo's cold how would the girls handle visiting her home and I have a feeling that would be an absolutely delightful and wholesome nightmare scenario for Namekawa.
@Kyurene Japanese does have a standard dialect that people study as a foreign language, which is closest to the Tokyo dialects. For communication between Japanese people, dialects are less thick in formal speech. This doesn't mean Tokyoites can always understand people from Kyushu, this comic says "People from Kitakyushu can't communicate in Tokyo" and the blue shirt is saying nonsense.