Nankoufuraku no Maoujou e Youkoso: Debuff wa Fuyou to Yuusha Party o Oidasareta Kuro Madoushi, Maougun no Saikou Kanbu ni Mukaerareru - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 …

May 23, 2019
Japan author manga de best.. Always like this.. Lolicon everuwere.. Haha..
If I look comic cartoon China or Korea.. Is like pedophile... Not loli what everyone see like..
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
I realize this is probably one of those stories where the monsters are the good guys but it would be interesting to see his reaction to a bunch of monsters he led slaughtering their way through a town.
Aug 16, 2020
Why is the MC is trying to become a famed adventurer with his ability acknowledged by everyone when he can't even reveal his own powers or ability?
That's like wanting to become a famous author without writing any books
Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2019
@Drifter Isn't this the series where the hero vs demon king shtick is just a sport that everyone watches for entertainment and nobody actually gets hurt?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2019

But as for the job... I would take it. Humans are more blood thirsty than demihumans. History shows it.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2019
thank you for the chapters, lol Lucy really wants to rep/advocate for Mira's oppai.
Nov 14, 2019

Actually to use your analogy it'd be more like trying to be famous author by ghost writing for someone who doesn't write his own books. No one would know HIS name but if his writing made it to being the 'best' books out there he'd feel satisfied with having reached the pinnacle as a hero in the greatest party. Much less if they made it to #1 then it'd have been fairly well proven he isn't useless. Thats how white mages are slightly better off then black, the white mage in the #1 party proved they can be valuable by reaching that point and holding that position for 10 years or more. In fact he thought to a degree if they could break into the 3rd place even it'd do it. Up to 4 actually changes not infrequently, meanwhile 1-3 have all been in the same position for YEARS now and are unmoved due to being so good. Though even the 2nd place is coated with a firm layer of slander due to the number of strange party members they have. Meanwhile #1 the worst thing anyone can say about Aerial is that he's old.....meanwhile he still can wipe the floor with the entire teams of the top 5 solo probably, he's a goddamn monster and contractor of the primary wind spirit.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2019
Thanks for the chapter!
Btw, when Lucy refers to "that man" she means her father. Don't know full story but apparently her father and grandfather were former Demon Lords who abdicated the position to her. In LN it's mentioned that the grandfather was a frightening, undefeatable, unentertaining Demon Lord who only had one level in his castle with few rooms or monsters to get everything over with quickly. Using his Black Magic to debuff and distress parties he never lost a battle.
Also, comment about most of the adventurer parties being human is due to public interest. Monsters tend to view other monsters, and the audience watching adventurers tend to favor watching humans over demihumans.
This might or might not come up later but in LN it's been mentioned several times that muscle headed, superficial idiot Alvar is only concerned with rising up to 1st place which to him means doing everything possible to get good ratings on camera. Since audience favors watching humans over demihumans he'd gotten into an argument with Lily over altering her avatar so her ears looked human rather than her natural pointy and long ears. She refused with Phoenix's and MC's backing that she's an elf, will fight and look like an elf, and won't alter her avatar just to try to squeeze a few more points. Since avatars are magic constructs it is possible to alter them a lot but it's illegal to make major changes for some reason. So can change color of any part of body, add/remove hair or horns, or animal tails, but can't go from a short, gaunt figure to an 8 foot tall, muscular with 0% body fat figure. Might be ok to get rid of spare tire and add a little muscle mass to avatar but likely prevent big changes so person doesn't get disoriented or mixed up when using avatar or returning consciousness back to normal body. After all, really different walking and view point of things if switching from a 3 foot dwarf to a 20 foot tall cyclops.

What Milla and Lily are asking MC to do is to act and show other monsters an image of someone they can idolize and follow to keep up their self esteem and maybe even work in dungeons themselves. After all, the human audiences may prefer the hero always triumphing over the monsters but like Milla said, the monsters don't want to simply be prey either. As for his abilities I'm not sure how, maybe magic perception or something similar, but Lily was able to determine that he went through literal hell training to get as powerful and capable as he is. Like the difference between a rookie swordsman who only practices a couple hours a day for a couple years with a faint understanding of things versus an experienced master swordsman who has trained for most of the day for decades and a very knowledgeable and full understanding of what he's doing. Btw, Lem (know translates as Remme but will understand why when MC gets dungeon name from Lily why Lem better,) was trained until the breaking point by his master who had stopped the training several times while saying anymore and MC would die, and literally meant it. Also, reason Lem understands and has finetuned his spells so well to point Lily is able to see it and equate it to someone who's spent decades training is because he is constantly casting multiple spells on himself 24/7. Yes, while eating, walking, sleeping, etc. he really is casting debuffs on himself as training. Not really sure how decides what to cast, whether magic resistance is high enough to weaken magic or just got to point where able to function normally anyway but in LN has mentioned that continusouly casts his magic on himself such as blindness so feels alone and scared while blind, attack down so can't defend himself, defense down so feels so vulnerable that getting hit by a stray rock would kill him amongst others. Phoenix having met MC's mentor and seen MC practicing is fully aware of MC's potential and why defending him although can't give valid reasons due to honoring MC's promise towards his mentor.
Sep 22, 2018
so much better with chapters not being splintered into a dozen tiny pieces
Jul 5, 2020
im very happy because these people understand the true value of a good supporter. take overwatch for example, the character ana has buffs and debuffs (sleep and healing prevention) if youre fighting for to capture a point the healing prevention will be invaluable and id a tank is guarding you can make them sleep so your dps can kill them.

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