It's a little difficult as I've been interpreted to have stances I don't actually have.
I'm not against porn consumption, nor am I against shota/loli content. I am against it being so encouraged for youth consumption, easy access being part of the problem, and I find that Japan's stance on underage consumption of it to be as flimsy as their porn censor standards.
A food analogy would be like supporting healthy school meals but sticking soda and chips machines on campus, and running ads targeted at kids about how cool soda and chips are. I like soda and chips as much as the next person, but we all know that excess consumption of soda and chips is unhealthy. Expecting youth to demonstrate a mature level of self-control and critical thinking that most adults have difficulty with is unreasonable.
Having so much porn available and encouraged for easy, cheap self-gratification doesn't mean that it will completely derail youth development but affect it enough in enough of the population to cause many short and long term development issues. It can be as simple as delaying social development by a few years. That is enough to cause a snowball effect of pushing middle school development to high school.
(More technical: what I am pointing out here is that IMO excess porn consumption acts as a negative artificial distortion on youth development similar to
relative age effect. Summarizing from Malcolm Galdwell's "Outliers", we can easily see this sort of skew in youth sports, such as Canadian hockey, where being born in January means you have an entire year's worth of development over your same peers in the same season, who are born in December. The difference can be small but significant enough to cause people to be dropped before they even have a chance of development.
If this sounds familiar, it should because there is a very strict timeline that society expects for youth development. Human relationship skill development is expected to peak around your college years, marriage at 25 (Christmas cake meme), and biology wants you to have your kids by 35 at the latest. There's nothing
wrong with people who don't follow this schedule, but it can easily contribute to a "catch up" or "drop out" mindset. The problem is when this is applied and compounded over generations, looking at individuals doesn't show the big picture. It is like being the house in casino gambling, you don't need to have an overwhelming odds, just a slight edge of a couple of percentage points played out over hundreds or thousands of games to cause a significant effect.)
In my previous response, I was pointing out the absurdity of the illegality of 2D porn. I actually agree with your stance about how arresting people with it is more political than practical.
I also acknowledge that the alpha male thing is as old as time, and I merely used it as an easily understood example of why male objectification is a thing that will probably continue to be a thing and not as objectionable as female objectification, simply because it is in society's best interests to promote those traits. Physical objectification is ridiculous to control as it's a product of the standards of the society it came from, such as tallness or fitness levels. The associations we attach to things such as physical fitness are extremely ingrained. Non-physical objectification leans towards directly removing agency and choice, which was easier to accomplish with females than males due to imbalanced economic and physical power, and why society's response is so skewed.
There's nothing wrong with being a sexual creature. It's actually important, you're right that humans have always been and will continue to be sexual, and not talking about it or banning sexual material is probably even more harmful. I don't support repression, but as it stands, I don't want to encourage cheap, excess consumption of it. Porn addiction is a thing, and the opportunity cost of it should be considered. Standing from that perspective, 2D porn is more easily and cheaply produced than 3D porn and creates even more unrealistic expectations of sexual relationships because it releases the constraining nature of depicting actual humans by its own property of being second-order simulacra instead of a first-order simulation. And rather than encouraging As far as mythology is concerned, it's sexual but there's a reason why people fap to images of traps wearing absolute territory school uniforms over the textual description of Oedipus boning his mother: it's easier to see and consume.
I too worry about censorship, and I loathe the trend of where it is going and what it has done to the games I love. As an adult, I have major objections to how games and content are censored or unable to be released in the USA because of parental backlash. My stance is that it's a number of factors that push the responsibility of safeguarding this adults-only content back and forth, and ultimately end up in a state where nobody has nice things. To list a few, schools with overextended teachers, to storefronts with marginal safeguards against minors, to overworked parents; uncomfortable, no conversation, or even misinformation about sex ed; religious puritanicals, etc. As an adult, I expect to have agency over my own decisions, but the same cannot be said for children, which is why I am against censorship but support stricter controls similar to the tobacco and alcohol industries over what should be targeted and marketed at an underage audience. That being said, I recognize that it's not a simple problem and introducing legal punishment for consumption, production, or distribution can easily create the nonsensical problems we've been discussing. It's exactly this reason that a "lax censorship" platform wouldn't fly in Japan, because inevitably someone will say "but what about the children", and nobody will be the nail that says "well keep your kid from watching porn" because of how unreasonable that is in Japan in particular.