We want a title. You can't tease like that.
Somehow you made two cute statements in a single short post, that's incredible.
Thinking about pet torture has nothing to do with being a psychopath, you can easily find stuff like that happen if you get out in The Real World sometimes.
There is nothing wrong either about praising an evil guy for doing a good thing. Hitler's party was technically against smoking and they had all the scientific proofs ready to ban it, dozens of years before stupid muricans even started thinking about it. Does that mean non-smokers are nazi people ? Fuck no they aren't. Actually I'd rather claim the opposite, those motherfucker tobacco companies are clearly killing us with a biological weapon and no-one in a power position is batting an eye.
Whether killing his pet in defeat is a bad thing or not is up to debate (I won't go in there, it's up to anon763), but you can't argue against it just because it's Hitler.