Ominous foreshadowing aside, I like how we get development that Safi's rival isn't just an asshole and actually is trying to do good things for the community.
I wonder if she'll get a redemption arc.
Maybe. We'll see what god says. This is one of the times I wouldn't want there to be a harem unless Safi expressly would want there to be. @Raydnt
@Elhao I've seen gal-type characters use it before in manga, but since it's rare I decided to look into it a bit. It's apparently something of a running joke... It's based on misspelling "tan" either by accident or on purpose since the katakana "n" and "so" look similar.
@Rozzak, you sure a sheepskin condom can get through an Nightgorns undercoat without touching thighs even though Safi burns Shibuki through his gloves. Are you sure it would be easy for them to make love?