This is the manga chapter that has filled me with the most dread in a really long while.
Mom's absolutely fucking crazy.
Had she tricked her on a normal day? Maaaaaaaaaybe it would have worked. But like that? In the middle of a heatwave? On release date? With a bunch of sweaty hot angry nerds wanting their Switch now? How in the flying fuck she thought throwing her into the most bloodthirsty hungry ravenous wolves she could find like that was a good idea at all? Even a completely normal and stable person would get a breakdown in such a situation, much less someone like Neeko. This is a really shitty thing to do to anyone.
I seriously hope this ends REALLY badly because if we somehow get a happy ending yay Neeko is not depressed anymore

DD I'd be really disappointed and upset.
Fuck, I'm getting upset already by imagining Mom getting upset at how somehow Neeko was not all smiles and a diligent perfect worked after getting this shit thrown at her but instead fainted in a puddle of her own piss and vomit from the sheer shock and trauma.