@HDMI1 Well, they're holding hands on the actual cover, so who knows...?
Joke aside, we really don't know.
There are like 6-8 doujins of these two from Os_fresa-sensei, but most of them are sold out, and even if we could aquire them, we don't have a high quality scanner to make high quality raws, so... yeah, no real idea how could we get the raws. I definitelly would love to translate them.
I'm assuming they are all non-H, but who knows. I think I seen a picture somewhere before that's probably from one of the doujins where they were taking a bath together. So, even if they are all non-H, they're probably ecchi, just like the series.
@BornenCornen I don't remember for sure, but I think they're from 2018 maybe. The oldest chapters (so, like chapter 1 and around) are from 2015!
And as far as I know, none of these doujins are scanned. They are on Melon Books, etc. (Obviously, Japanese) but most appears to be sold out...
But if there are raws for them somewhere, please do tell to me too! I definitelly would be interested translating them!