Full blown battle manga huh? Does the author take notes from negima?
He should make a spin-off manga with Kappa as the MC instead of hijacking Kurona's, oh who am I kidding this mini arc gonna ends up silly anyway ?
These past two chapters have had some dynamite action, but it's about time for Kurona & the gang to show up & return us to the fluffiness. But, I will admit that the shikigami girl is pretty cute.
Yes, far from "passing the time". But the mangaka indicated a change a few chapters back, when he was talking about doing an "arc" for the first time. First came the transformation dojo. Now, and related to it, comes this.
looking at the number of bandages on her hands and the rings around her eyes though id say she'll probubly collapse either before the fight [or pat way through] due to blood loss.
@sudzzuds Author has done fuck loads of world building and we are now seeing more of the friction between humans and ayakashi now which translated into action