I know it's hard to keep track of the timeline, but:
1) Mii-chan says she hates being treated like a cat.
2) Says she likes it when Takase treats her like a cat.
3) Immediately bolts to her part time job... being treated like a cat by strangers.
4) We now see she's not just a passive worker, but actively cozies up to customers.
That should make it easier to think about; A big plot point was undermined twice so far.
I have no idea why you're getting so emotional here.
P.S.: When has "Don't like? Don't watch" ever worked?
Kinda late, since we're a few episodes forward, but if this is a big part of her job, she can hate it because of that, also.
Like a salesperson/mall employee being treated as one, when off shift. And I guess she can especially hate being treated as a cat
when she's human. Where her whole dilemma with MC were as follows:
1. He knows me as a cat and he's nice to me
2. I want him to know me as a human also, so he'd treat me as a person
3. But the way he treats humans is
ignore, and I don't want that
4. But him knowing me as a human and still treating me completely as a cat, would be bad/demeaning too (From what I've seen she looks down on cats, if only a little bit including herself for being part-cat)