Okay. To recap, Tiggy was the result of him trying to throw away his power by dumping it on Tiggy, but then it doesn't work and Tiggy turn back to normal cat in the end?
Well... I can sympathize with you, but not really empathize, I supposed? The fact you decide to just ran away is still bad.
On the other note though...
That mean Tiggy is the only exception while the rest of them are relatives? Except the owner, they are all basically first cousins to Mii-chan and all (great)nieces/nephews to the owner (I won't touch upon the 'removed' part - that shit gave me headaches).
That cat cafe is basically a big family business...
And now imagine Takase realizing about this fact that he actually had already been introduced to the (very) expanded family of his GF, and even having flirted in front of them... (and one of her cousin even offer herself to become his pet)...
Oh God...