Do you... want him to finish inside a cat?Let's hope she doesn't do the switcharoo in bed.
Issue is she kind of wrote herself into a corner by over-committing to the "I hate people", and "I don't want to be treated like a cat" angles. There are only so many times this can happen before it strains credibility that their relationship is still intact, since neither of them is really getting what they want out of it, and they're both trying to pull things along to their own direction, despite having diametrically opposed desires: She wants people time, so she shoves it into cat time, and he wants cat time, so he shoves it into people time.Mii/the author here should just double down on "get close to him as a cat, then confuse his emotions by changing back suddenly, then retreating before he can reject you". Like she did just before serialization. Instead, the author is wasting time with this cat cafe plot where tons of other characters take up page space and they repeatedly create an artificial distance between the two...
If he's already there, he might as well. It's not like finishing is any less acceptable.Do you... want him to finish inside a cat?