@mogu: Yep, I remember Yun mentioning that this unnamed outsource company has given them decent results before, and it's one that Rin recommended. What stood out to me however is that it's not explicitly stated what additional work this company is taking on which is hindering their performance to such a degree that they make absolutely no adjustment to the design of a flagged character, upon the request of the (one of?) company that is employing them, Eagle Jump; well, I take that back, the arms were tilted some, lol. It would be one thing if the additional work in question was
also requisitioned by Eagle Jump, but without the source being defined, it seems like this company is prioritizing another company's needs over Eagle Jump; this is also fine, but too nebulous without being explained even just a little. The result feels like a forced element of conflict.
@WillLi: I agree to most of that, but I think it would have been more impactful if at least one of the active members of Hajime's team had come up with viable solutions. Having Kou come in all Deus ex machina, as was pointed out, seems lazy; especially since the effect she provides is ultimately...well, I'll stop there, heh. It's almost like the author
had planned on extending and expounding upon this particular story arc, but his own, real-world deadlines were looming on the horizon, haha. I think Aoba and Momo served admirably, Yun performed notably, and everyone else did adequately, overall.