Nidome no Jinsei o Isekai de

Aug 15, 2018
@Keimichi Honestly, is there any country who hasn't been a jerk to another country at some point in history? Yes, Japan probably has the most recent case of "misconduct" (not that I'm trying to minimize it, I know the Japanese did terrible things in Korea), and don't quote me on this as I'm no expert on Asian history, but I'm pretty sure China (or the multiple tribe/states that used to be what is now China) and Korea invaded Japan at some point in history as well, I'm thinking Mongols as well, but my point is, just as no person is a saint, I believe no country is a saint either, so does that mean that we should go through all Korean webtoons looking for references of Japan and try to shame that author into oblivion?, as for the authors tweets, who knows, maybe he lost his grandfather or other ancestor or something in one of those wars and that was how he expressed that frustration, that's just a random though that came to mind, everybody makes mistakes, more so the younger you are, and yes, his course of action was probably not the best, but wasn't that back in 2012 or something? Another thing, wars happen, soldiers die, and pretending that they don't won't get anybody anywhere, inspiration has to come from somewhere and it's resulted in a rather entertaining story so far. So far the only precise accusation I've managed to read is that the 3000 or something soldiers the MC killed was somehow referring to china, besides that all articles I've read just say "and other racist references", this isn't even a part of the main story, it's just a random detail of the background setting which is also obviously highly exaggerated and could in no way reflect real events, it all sounds like tornado in a glass of water to me and in no way justifies boycotting the anime just because of a highly exaggerated part of the characters background setting was coincidentally brought to light by a random twitter user which caused all the easily offended to gather and complain.

Sorry for the rant, I might just be overly sick of seeing what the SJW culture war is doing in the west, and really, really don't want that kind of bullshit infecting anime/manga, which is my haven from all that nonsense.
Active member
May 1, 2018
No, it’s okay it’s understandable. I don’t think other countries fair much better, take example China’s nationalism lol.
But altho you can day that every country has something at some point in history, this is pretty recent history tho, with still existing survivors from these particular wars, or people whose parents or grandparents were deeply affected by this. It’s not just some ancient history, but actual families, still alive, that have and are still influenced by the result of it. So it’s less of being SJW than just being polite and respectful to a fellow human being. Nevertheless, I don’t think two wrongs make a right, and China’s nationalism is certainly pretty awful too. I’ve read some works in the webnovel scene ewhere I had to roll my eyes very hard at it. I don’t really like seeing this kind of political stuff in manga either, but it’s hard when the author themselves put that into their works.

From what I read, the reason why the anime was cancelled has less to deal with the content of Nidome and more with the author directly tweeting racist tweets. Quoting this “He called China a land of worms and Korea the raped country, then wrote some stupid shit about Nanking” (both pretty sore spots, an equivalent here was if he said “Jews should be gazed”), which then lead to the VA’s being unhappy with him and quitting the show.
Mar 16, 2018
Look into the South China Sea dispute, chasing fishermen out with warships and claiming islands to establish an economic zone.
Also about the Tibet conflict and more recently Taiwan and Hong Kong claims of independence and the camps in East China.

See who's giving weapons and training to who in Syria and why do the US set up bases in oil refineries. Who's actually authorized to be there. Also about the proposed pipeline.
How the US has funded "democratic freedom fighters" since the cold war to take down unalligned governments only to discard them when the goal was achieved. They then use them as a scapegoat for future events.

Why and how Hitler rose to power not as how the West tells it. The fire bombing and later nuking of Japan. The rape road to Berlin. The Korean war where they intervened and didn't finish the job and the wound is left festering for decades.

The winning side gets to tell their sob story and tales of valor while hiding their own misdeeds. War is hell and when it's over who's left to judge the winners right.
Having a strong propaganda machine helps too.

As the guy said, nobody's a saint. You're only told what you need to know when you need to know IF you need to know it.

China is like the Jews with the holocaust. Their every being is offended with events of the past even though they're doing the same thing now. Please tell me you've heard of the Gaza Strip before calling me a Nazi.
Aug 15, 2018
@Keimichi Still, weren't those tweets from forever ago? whatever happened to the statue of limitations? And didn't he apologize for it? Like I said, youths make mistakes, like @j0shst3r implied, strict information control can give people a false idea of what's really going on, he realized it was a mistake and apologized, so long as he doesn't do it again I think he should be forgiven, it's not like he actually murdered someone, he said something offensive, welcome to the internet! I was like 8-ish for the 9-11 era, I remember we went to Build-a-Bear workshop (does that even still exist, lol) with my family once, I made mine military themed and named it Iraquikiller, because the media at the time was painting them as the unilateral, undisputed, unprovoked, at fault perpetrators of the incident. Today that event isn't seen as black and white as back then (I won't go into details as half of it could be called conspiracy theory, but I think it's safe to say Iraqui's aren't some sort of evil sub-human race like they wanted you to believe), if we're going to invalidate someones work because of past mistakes there's a LOT of cleaning to do, didn't like every other actor/musician/inventor/writer have some kind of corpse or other in their closet? We'd got right back to the stone age if we treated everyone like these selected out individuals are, and I guess that's what pisses me off the most, not just in this case, but more widespread, these attacks on people by the public usually spurred on by personal interest and not some "higher plane of existence" moral values, because if it was, everyone would be equally fucked one way or another.

""Hero of Justice? A world where no one is hurt?" Don't be absurd. "Humanity" is the name for an animal that cannot find joy in life without sacrifice. The pretty lie that is "equality" is nonsense spouted by weaklings who cannot look upon the darkness. Nothing but an excuse to cover up life's ugliness." ---Gilgamesh (Fate/zero)
Active member
May 1, 2018
Hey, I’m not claiming that one’s work should be invalidated because of something else that was done wrong. But part of your argument is that comments were made a long time ago, and are simply mistakes of youth. It’s a little less convincing with when you have this MC here. It’s not one or the other, it’s a combination of both that makes the apology seems a little more like a damage control than anything else. The internet is the internet, it has dumb things all over it. But it’s not like it exists in a vacuum. People say dumb stuff because they feel like they can get away with it, and then get surprised that they get hit with consequences when the internet it’s not the get away they hoped. I think the real debate is whether someone is really apologitic. I do think people who realize their mistakes should be given second chances, but the issue here is neither me nor you know what’s truly going on in the author’s mind. Anyway back to the main subject, I do understand where you’re coming from. I really like fantasy politics as a subject but real world politics/drama mixed in it is quite ehhh, just my way of dealing with it is usually to just skip to the next one where hopefully there won’t be any mixed in. It quite sucks, but there’s not much to be done there.

@j0shst3r Ofc two wrongs make a right. China isn’t all that great with a lot of stuff either, I clouding all the stuff you just mentioned. The US isn’t all that great either. Are part of the history hidden? Yes. Are tragedies being used for propaganda? Yes. China is particularly bad for doing it for political purposes. The censorship is extremely bad too. I’m not saying anything makes anyone a saint. But, once again, one event doesn’t erase the other. Think China’s political stunt is shit? Say that rather instead. That said, I understand the point you’re making, that many people say this and that because that’s pretty much the only version they know. And honestly, from all of this, I just think mostly it’s a shame and quite a downer, but it is indeed the reality of the world right now.
Active member
Jun 14, 2018
@ichigoteguz Uh.. I'm from SE Asia and I must agree that Japan during WW2 was super terrible. It was beyond bad, it is already a war crime. They killed at least 10 million of my countrymen. Of course the real number is much much much higher than that. They originally acted like they were the saviour during the war, but it was just their mask. They even killed more people than the previous European colonials, raping women, and did much more cruel bad deeds in such a short time they were occupying my country. Imagine if what they did in 3.5 years had created that many damages already, how severe were the damages in countries like Korea that experienced Japanese occupation for 35 years.

The problem why Korea and China hold animosity towards Japan is also because Japan kinda deny many of their war crimes and not fully admitted them. They did not properly disclose their bad deeds in their history books. The history textbooks for school are kinda whitewashing their bad deeds, emphasizing more of Japan position as the victim of wars in which focus of discussions are on the Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombing instead of all the nasty stuffs they have done. Although I can see why they hide and gloss over the truth, but yeah, I can also see how it pissed off many of the former colonialized countries. Japan has apologized so many times to China and Korea, but they always felt that the apology was insincere and insufficient. I think they must have suffered a hell lot from the occupation that the hate runs deep for many people. Weird thing is that Japan has never apologize to my country lol.. But we also do not hold animosity towards Japan. I must say that despite our past, our current relationship with Japan is pretty good. Maybe our people are the type who are easy to forgive, forget, and move on. Or maybe our people and government has no balls to ask for apology or damage payment instead.. lol.. I don't know.
Aug 15, 2018
@Moth I'm very aware that Japan did terrible things, I'm not going to deny that, I had this conversation with my girlfriend recently, she loves Korea, like, she adores Korea, she even learned the language and got involved with the Korean embassy in my country (BTW, I'm from Latin America, so our history has a fair share of colonization and shit, just a tangent). In this particular recent conversation she was talking about the Korean comfort women of WWII, and how, to put an example, you can see the difference between Japan and Germany's attitudes post war, with Germany putting more of an effort to make things right and stuff, this is more or less what I told her.

"It's a very valid point [referring to Japan's lack of apology as something to frown upon] , and the comparison with Germany is plain to see, but the way I see it, the current international issues are felt stronger because of exactly that, they're the most current and have survivors living today, but dig back far enough into the history of any people, and they've all done the same, history is written by the victors, so I'm sure that most of everything is lost to the sands of time, it's only because of the facility of modern day information sharing that this is even being brought up in the first place, my conclusion, I believe all nations are equally wicked in actions or potential, maybe not in current year, but at some point, I honestly don't expect anything, for better or for worse, from the human race as a whole. While the apology would be considered the minimum standard of human decency, who would do the apologizing? Would it be possible to round up the soldiers/politicians/rulers responsible? Would it even be possible to name those responsible after so much time has passed, probably anyone you could name for sure is dead and gone, swallowed by their own wicked greed and ambition. Asking for an apology from anyone who didn't participate would be like [Name omitted, a mutual acquaintance who was groped by her uncle as a kid and now tries to make the world revolve around her victim status because of it] expecting me to apologize for her assault experience, it's sad, but it's the reality, [(Adding this for clarity, as it's another convo we had) I'm sorry it happened to her but I won't apologize as if I had been the one to rape her and the fact that she got groped does not give her the right to label all men rapist]. The updating of history books, however, should definitely be done, it would probably have to be for high school/college level, as it's a delicate matter, but it should be done, what makes it difficult is the confirmability of facts, since it's such an old event, but at a bare minimum an effort should be put forth. Facts should be regarded above all else in all cases. And allow me correct you on something, I don't particularly love nor defend Japan, nor any other country for that matter, they're all evaluated as having pros and cons to my person and that's it, I'm very interested and enjoy many aspects of their culture, but that's just that. I enjoy mostly their fantasy with bits of their reality sprinkled on top ( with most of that reality being food)."

So yes, the Japanese were jerks (to say the least), point me to a country that is innocent throughout history, I'll hand you a mirror and show you a liar. Eye for an eye we'll all end up blind. They apologized (however insincerely as you may say it is), from what I can see they've improved and won't do it again (same goes for the author). Do you have siblings? Have you ever been forced to apologize for what they or your parents did? Sucks right, this is similar.

As to the author's tweets, explain how someone was casually reviewing his tweets from 2012 in current year if they had any intent besides trying to dig up dirt on him to ruin his career. I'm not going to repeat all that I've already said in previous comments, you can scroll back and read them, but yes, he made a mistake, but he apologized, hopefully learned that you can't judge people from other countries like that and that the right think to do is meet and determine them individually, you said so yourself, their history books are skewed to make them feel like the victims, when you feel like a victim you lash out unreasonably, I'm not trying to justify his actions, I'm trying to make you see that there are infinite other possible reasons for his actions (infinitely more likely might I add), but people go for the easy "he's an inhumane monster, let's shun him and his creation from society", and so, we miss out on what could of been a very entertaining anime because being an offended victim is what's cool and hip these days.

Semi-related note, my girlfriend made me watch a Korean drama called Mr.Sunshine, which is quite a feat cause she knows I don't particularly care for anything live action, at all, it was pretty good, and it portrays Japan as they were during WWII, as the villains, and I know that that show is just fantasy and that the reality was much worse, but now I'm just arguing myself in circles and I'll just end with give that show a watch, it was really good.
Group Leader
May 27, 2018

I don’t want to start another argument but this has really gone out of hand. The example you pointed out that friend of yours being groped by her uncle is not that relevant. Yes, indeed, the war crimes are not committed by the Japanese people now, it’s not their fault. However, the Japanese government are still denying a lot of these crimes and refused to compensate the victims. Another example is the Japanese president is still visiting the Yasukuni Shrine, a shrine which 1068 of the enshrined kami were POWs convicted of some level of war crime during World War II. Not to mention the denial of nanjing massacre, comfort women, unit 731...

I do have siblings, if my siblings raped or killed someone with solid evidence, would I still deny the accusations and say he did nothing wrong? What will the victims think?

Yes, lots of other nations did bad things too. But the way the Japanese government handles their nation’s mistakes disgust me. Saying Germany putting more effort than Japanese is an understatement. Germany did everything to compensate the victims, with laws prohibiting the use of Nazi symbols or anything related, the German president paying tributes to the victims of concentration camps.
Mar 10, 2018
Ignore the trolls and trivial things and go ahead Valhalla and thanks for the update @Dinokin, still no news for the novel, hope it can continue even if the manga have plenty of chapters to adapt.
Active member
Apr 19, 2018
Omg you people are such busybodys do you actually care if the author is a loyalist or not? Like do you SERIOUSLY actually care? And why should anyone else care? Stop being so dramatic about something that doesn't really matter at all. You know Tolkien was an open racist and some of the biggest names in the Wuxia genre are communists? It. Doesn't. Matter.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
The next country is one YEAR away by carriage!?!
... 1 week in game = 3 hours in real life.
Which means it'd take 156 real life hours, or 52 days of playing 3 hours every day.

Fed-Kun's army
Mar 6, 2018
I wish people would stop being such cultural imperialist and just let the japanese tell the stories they want.
Jul 24, 2018
dude what the hell are those losers talking about, yeah man lemme bring in politics on a manga

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